This is a repository reflecting the current state of my PhD thesis and the project management surrounding completing the write-up.
The thesis is being automatically built using travis-ci with the resulting files uploaded as a release on GitHub.
To compile yourself requires the installation of Miniconda which allows for all dependencies to be installed using
conda env create
followed by
conda activate thesis
to activate the environment containing the dependencies.
Note that to update the dependencies the command
conda env update
is required.
The build itself is completed with
which generates a file thesis.tex in the current directory.
In addition to the tools to build the thesis, I have a range of tools to identify poor writing. These tools are not all perfect, with a degree of false positives, and not entirely suited to academic writing, however they do make me look harder at certain aspects of what I write.
These tools require that nodejs
is installed
which is one of the dependencies installed using conda above.
With the thesis
conda environment activated
running the command
npm install
will install all the packages required for these checks.
The command
make lint
will then run all the checks for the files.
These checks can also be configured to show up in your text editor, making it much easier to see and fix each of the issues which are highlighted.
If there is an error
biber: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
installing libraries for backwards compatibility is required, for example on fedora 30
dnf install libxcrypt-compat
is required for biber 2.5 to run.
Another error is
biber: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
which can be resolved by installing libnsl, a library that was previously part of glibc.
dnf install libnsl