Get the results of a Google Survey with google_survey
You can install the google_survey
package with pip
pip install -e git+git://
To download the results of a Google Survey, you need the name of the Google Sheet containing the results of the survey, and a path to a credentials file that gives access to those results.
- The name of the Google Sheet containing the results of the survey. Usually it will be named something like "Name of my survey (Responses)".
- A Service Account Credentials file, e.g. "path/to/service-account-creds.json"
There are two steps involved in allowing API access to the Google Sheet
containing the survey results. The first step is to create new
Service Account credentials, which can be downloaded as a .json file.
This file is required in order to use gspread
to connect to the Google
Sheets API. Within this .json file is a (machine-generated) email address.
The second step is to share the Google Sheet containing the results of
the survey with this email address.
- Go to Create a new project (or use an existing one). I called mine "madpy". Using this project, enable the Google Sheets API via the Dashboard, and then create new Service Account Credentials. You should get a .json file at the end. Ta da!
- Go to, locate the Google Sheet with the results of the survey, and share the Google Sheet with the email address that was created along with the Service Account Credentials. Open up the .json file downloaded in the previous step to find the email address. Share this email address with the Google Sheet like you would any other collaborator. Now you can authenticate with the Service Account Credentials and download the results of your survey.
Now you are ready to download the results of the Google Survey with python!
Here's how you get just the responses to a survey. Basically this just downloads the Google Sheet containing the survey results in wide format.
import google_survey
sheet_name = "Name of my survey (Responses)"
creds_file = "path/to/service-account-creds.json"
wide_responses = google_survey.get_responses(sheet_name, creds_file)
Usually survey responses are better off in long format. To melt the data from wide to long format, use the tidy_responses
long_responses = google_survey.tidy_responses(wide_responses)
It's also helpful to know information about the questions in the survey. To extract question metadata from the survey html page itself, just provide the survey url to the get_questions
survey_url = ''
questions = google_survey.get_questions(survey_url)
The simplest way to use google_survey
is to provide all of the necessary information in a simple yaml file, and pass this to the google_survey.get
# contents of survey-info.yaml
sheet_name: Name of my survey (Responses)
creds_file: path/to/service-account-creds.json
responses = google_survey.get('survey-info.yaml')
You can run Google Survey from the command line as a python module, denoted by the "-m" flag, provided you pass the path to the survey info.
python -m google_survey survey-info.yaml > `date +results-%Y-%m-%d.csv`