A customizable online survey tool for running NDT tests.
- Node.js of version
Piecewise is composed of 2 different parts:
- A React-based frontend.
- A Koa-based backend that renders & serves the frontend and exposes an API used by the frontend.
These parts are located here in this repository:
src/backend # The backend components
src/common # Common code and assets
src/frontend # The React frontend
Piecewise is configured via variables either specified in the environment or
defined in a .env
file (see env.example
for an example configuration that
may be edited and copied to .env
The backend parses the following configuration variables:
PIECEWISE_LOG_LEVEL # Logging level (default: error)
PIECEWISE_HOST # The host Piecewise runs on (default: localhost)
PIECEWISE_PORT # The port to bind to (default: 3000)
PIECEWISE_ADMIN_USERNAME # The administrative user (default: 'admin')
PIECEWISE_ADMIN_PASSWORD # The administrative password
PIECEWISE_VIEWER_USERNAME # (Optional) A user for viewing the results (default: viewer)
PIECEWISE_VIEWER_PASSWORD # (Optional) A password for the viewer user
PIECEWISE_DB_HOST # Postgres database host (default: localhost)
PIECEWISE_DB_PORT # Postgres port (default: 5432)
PIECEWISE_DB_DATABASE # Postgres database name (default: piecewise)
PIECEWISE_DB_USERNAME # Postgres user (default: piecewise)
PIECEWISE_DB_PASSWORD # Postgres password
PIECEWISE_DB_POOL_MIN # Postgres minimum connections (default: 0)
PIECEWISE_DB_POOL_MAX # Postgres max connections (default: 10)
PIECEWISE_DB_TIMEOUT # Postgres connection timeout (default: 0)
# OAuth2 (Optional, see below)
PIECEWISE_OAUTH_AUTH_URL # The OAuth2 authorization endpoint to connect to
PIECEWISE_OAUTH_TOKEN_URL # The OAuth2 token endpoint to connect to
PIECEWISE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID # Identifier associated w/ this Piecewise instance (generally the domain)
PIECEWISE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET # Secret authenticating this Piecewise instance
PIECEWISE_OAUTH_CALLBACK_URL # URL at which this PIECEWISE instance can be reached (generally https://<domain>/api/v1/oauth2/callback)
All new deployments should at least provide a value for the variable PIECEWISE_ADMIN_PASSWORD to allow initial login and post deployment configuration.
Additionally, we use the semi-standard NODE_ENV
variable for defining test,
staging, and production. In development mode Piecewise uses sqlite3, but uses
Postgres in production.
Piecewise has optional support for utilizing OAuth2 for authentication. This has the effect of disabling the admin (and optionally, viewer) users as specified in the environment and utilizing users created in the OAuth2 provider. This support was made and tested for use with Piecewise-SaaS, YMMV when using a different backend.
Piecewise-SaaS takes care of configuring the OAuth2 parameters for the Piecewise instances it manages, but here is an example configuration for development purposes that can be used with an instance of Piecewise-SaaS running on the same host in a development configuration. In this setup, Piecewise-SaaS is running on port 3000, and Piecewise on port 3001:
PIECEWISE_PORT=3001 (both apps default to the same port, so we'll run on port 3001 instead)
PIECEWISE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID=piecewise1.localhost (matches a value in the development db seeds in the Piecewise-SaaS repo; would normally be the domain)
PIECEWISE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET=secret (generally some random string generated by Piecewise-SaaS)
Documentation on how to deploy and administer Piecewise can be found in the wiki of this repository.
Piecewise is an open-source software project licensed under the Apache License v2.0 by Measurement Lab and Throneless Tech.