A Neovim plugin that automatically changes your colorscheme based on time schedules, system appearance settings, or manual toggling.
- Time-based colorscheme switching: Automatically changes colorschemes based on your schedule
- System appearance detection: Follows your OS light/dark mode settings
- Light/dark mode themes: Set different default themes for light and dark mode
- Specific colorscheme support: Configure separate colorschemes for light and dark modes
- Overnight schedule support: Handles schedules that cross midnight
- Low startup impact: Uses lazy loading to minimize Neovim startup time
- Customizable refresh times: Control how often system appearance is checked
- Manual controls: Toggle the plugin on/off as needed
- Neovim >= 0.5.0
- For testing: plenary.nvim
Using packer.nvim:
use {
requires = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }, -- Only needed for running tests
Using lazy.nvim:
dependencies = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }, -- Only needed for running tests
Add to your Neovim configuration:
-- Schedule entries for when to change colorschemes
schedule = {
start = "08:00", -- 8 AM
stop = "18:00", -- 6 PM
colorscheme = "morning", -- your light colorscheme
background = "light", -- optional: "light", "dark", or "system"
start = "18:00", -- 6 PM
stop = "08:00", -- 8 AM (next day)
colorscheme = "evening", -- your dark colorscheme
background = "dark", -- optional
-- Default settings when no schedule is active
default = {
colorscheme = "default", -- fallback colorscheme
background = "system", -- "light", "dark", or "system" to follow OS settings
themes = {
light = "dayfox", -- specific theme for light mode (nil to use default)
dark = "nightfox", -- specific theme for dark mode (nil to use default)
-- Other options
enabled = true, -- enable/disable the plugin
refresh_time = 5000, -- check system appearance every 5 seconds (in ms)
-- Optional: custom command for Linux system background detection
-- KDE and GNOME are auto-detected, only needed for other desktop environments
-- system_background_detection = "custom-script-or-command-that-returns-exit-code-0-for-dark"
Add these to your configuration for manual control:
-- Toggle plugin on/off
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('ColorfulTimesToggle', function()
end, {})
-- Reload configuration
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command('ColorfulTimesReload', function()
end, {})
You can configure separate colorschemes for dark and light modes using the themes
default = {
colorscheme = "default", -- Fallback colorscheme
background = "system", -- Use system appearance detection
themes = {
light = "dayfox", -- Colorscheme to use in light mode
dark = "nightfox", -- Colorscheme to use in dark mode
When the system or schedule switches between light and dark mode, the plugin will automatically apply the corresponding colorscheme. This is especially useful when:
- You're using system appearance detection and want different themes for each mode
- You have a default schedule that should respect system settings but with your preferred themes
- You want consistent theming across different lighting conditions
You can also set specific colorschemes for different times of day in your schedule:
schedule = {
start = "08:00", -- 8 AM
stop = "18:00", -- 6 PM
colorscheme = "morning", -- Light colorscheme for daytime
background = "light",
start = "18:00", -- 6 PM
stop = "08:00", -- 8 AM next day
colorscheme = "evening", -- Dark colorscheme for nighttime
background = "dark",
- macOS: Automatically detects system appearance
- Linux: Auto-detects KDE and GNOME desktop environments
- For other desktop environments, provide a custom detection command
- Windows: Not yet supported (contributions welcome!)
For GNOME-based desktops:
system_background_detection = "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme | grep -q 'prefer-dark'"
For KDE Plasma (automatic detection for Plasma 5 or 6):
system_background_detection = [[
if command -v kreadconfig6 &> /dev/null; then
kreadconfig6 --group 'General' --key 'ColorScheme' --file 'kdeglobals' | grep -q 'Dark' ||
kreadconfig6 --group 'KDE' --key 'LookAndFeelPackage' | grep -q 'dark'
kreadconfig5 --group 'General' --key 'ColorScheme' --file 'kdeglobals' | grep -q 'Dark'
You can also provide a function that returns "light" or "dark":
system_background_detection = function()
-- Custom detection logic
return "dark" -- or "light"
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit issues or pull requests.