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Templating tool for building reusable and configurable code templates in a central place.


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Scaffold CLI

A templating tool for building reusable and configurable code templates in a central place.

Scaffold CLI Demo

How to use

Install the package

npm i -g @lukasbach/scaffold

You can get started by adding the official react templates to the global template scope, and creating a react FC file:

scaf add lukasbach/scaffold-cli/templates/react
scaf react-fc "My Component Name"

If you want to further customize how the template works, you could

  • Provide additional parameters:

    scaf react-fc "My Component Name" --propsType inline --propsWithChildren false
  • Require scaffold to interactively ask for all parameters:

    scaf react-fc --all
  • Create an alias or redefinition of an existing template with custom config values:

    scaf customize react-fc -g
    scaf edit-config

    Adds a custom template overwrite such as:

        source: ./templates/react/react-fc
          componentName: My Component
          dummyProp: false
          exportPropsType: true
          importReactSymbols: false
          propsType: type
          propsWithChildren: true
          deconstructProps: true
          filenameCase: paramCase
          fileExtension: tsx
          - tsFormat
          - eslint

You can not only add and redefine templates globally, but also scoped to specific projects on your disk. Run

scaf init

in your project repository to create a scaffold config file and from there on customize templates scoped to your repository.

Available Templates

To add a template to the current scope, run scaf add githubuser/reponame/path/to/templaterepo. This will add the available templates to the nearest .scaf.yml. You can add --global to add it to your user config.

Generally, all parameters are optional when running a parameter. Parameters below marked with [--param] will use preset default values if not provided, parameters marked with --param will ask the user in an interactive prompt for the intended value before evaluating the template.

You can customize the default values for any template with scaf customize template-name [--global].

Core Templates

The following templates are core commands which are available by default.

React Templates

The following templates are available in the template scope when adding the lukasbach/scaffold-cli/react template repository.

  • React Context: A React context instance with context provider, hook and context type

    scaf react-context <ctxName> [--propsTypeSuffix=#] [--contextVariableSuffix=#] [--fileExtension=#] [--placeTypeInDedicatedFile] [--placeHookInDedicatedFile] [--placeProviderInDedicatedFile] [--exportPropsType] [--dummyProp] [--importReactSymbols] [--deconstructProps] [--propsType=#]

  • React FC: React Functional Component

    scaf react-fc <componentName> [--dummyProp] [--exportPropsType] [--importReactSymbols] [--propsType=#] [--propsWithChildren] [--deconstructProps] [--filenameCase=#] [--fileExtension=#]

  • React Forwarded Ref: React Component with forwarded ref

    scaf react-forward-ref <componentName> [--elementType=#] [--innerRef=#] [--includeUseRef] [--includeUseImperativeHandle] [--dummyProp] [--exportPropsType] [--importReactSymbols] [--propsType=#] [--propsWithChildren] [--deconstructProps] [--filenameCase=#] [--fileExtension=#]

Writing your own templates

Setting up your template repository

Within your repository, create a folder, let's name it "templates", and in there, create the files scaffold-templates.yml and my-template.ts.


The scaffold-templates.yml file should contain the following content:

name: My Templates
description: Description Text
author: Lukas Bach
key: templates-key

We will look into how the template code looks like in the next section. There are multiple ways how to make the templates available:

  • If you want them available within your project, add and edit the .scaf.yml file mentioned in the file tree above in the top level of your project with the following content:

    - ./templates

    You can also add more template repositories, either from your own machine or remotely.

  • If you want them available everywhere on your machine, add the Yaml code above to ~/.scaf.yml. You can edit that file by running scaf edit-config.

  • If you want them available on other machines, or publish them for other developers to use, create a git repository from your project, and push it to gh-user-name/my-repo. Then, use the following yaml code in a .scaf.yml file to reference the templates:

    - gh-user-name/my-repo/templates

    This will automatically pull the repo when calling the template. The repo can be private, but needs to be pullable by your local git installation.

Writing a template

This is an example for a template implementation:

// Import is optional and provides type-safety for scaffold library.
// Install "@lukasbach/scaffold" as dev dependency in your project for that.
import "@lukasbach/scaffold/globals"

export default async () => {
  const sdk = scaffold.sdk().withDefaultCapabilities().build();
  sdk.setTemplateName("React FC");
  sdk.setTemplateDescription("React Functional Component");
  const componentName = await sdk.param
    .default("My Component")
  // custom side effects like fs operations should be wrapped in
  await () => {
    // Some packages like fs-extra, execa (as $), yaml, os or git are available
    // in global scope
    const v = (await fs.readJSON("package.json")).version
  // Accessible in templates via {{ myData.packageJson.version }}
  sdk.setDataProperty("myData.packageJson.version", v)
  // Apply handlebars template and add file to fs
  // SDK-related functions are internally wrapped and don't explicitly need to
  // be wrapped with
  await sdk.actions.addFile("{{ camelCase componentName }}", "component.ts.hbl")

If your template just consists of code, you can add this code to templates/my-template.ts. If you want to add additional files like the component.ts.hbl file referenced above, add your template code to templates/my-template/template.ts.

You can use handlebar templates in template files used by scaffold, so templates/my-template/component.ts.hbl could look like that:

/** template version v{{ myData.packageJson.version }} */
const {{ pascalCase componentName }} = () => <div />;

You can look into official templates in the /templates folder for more examples.

Running your template

Once the template is added to your .scaf.yml and you finished the code, just run scaf my-template. You don't need to build anything, scaffold will compile your template on the fly.

Customizing existing templates

In your .scaf.yml file, you can customize existing templates by predefining parameters:

  - ./templates
    source: ./templates/react/my-template
      componentName: Box

You can create this quickly by running scaf customize.

How to develop

  • yarn to install dependencies
  • yarn start to run the CLI
  • yarn lint to test and fix linter errors
  • yarn test to check if template outputs have changed

To publish a new version, npm publish --access=public is currently used.


Templating tool for building reusable and configurable code templates in a central place.




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