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LucasLorentz edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 6 revisions

Interacting with SVG content

The library is asynchronous, and you must wait the parse completes before interacting with SVG content. It would be:

svgDocument.addEventListener(SVGEvent.PARSE_COMPLETE, function(e:SVGEvent):void {
//Now you can interact with the content

Accessing Elements
Every svg container has the methods: getElementAt, and numElements. Using that you can iterate through the children of an element.

If you want to do that on a SVGDocument, it would be:

for(var i = 0; i < document.numElements; i++){
     var element = document.getElementAt(i);
     //do something with element

It is like a tree, not a flat list. To visit all elements, you will need to do a recursive function.

SVGDocument has a list of definitions. All elements with id goes to definitions, so, your filters will be there, inside filter collections. You can use the following functions to retrieve them

//Returns a list with the ids of all definitions

//Returns if a definition with that id exist

//Returns the definition, it may be a SVGFilterCollection, SVGElement, SVGGradient

Styles are also on the SVGDocument. Take a look on those functions:

//Returns a list of selectors of all style declarations

//Get the style declaration

Each style declaration is composed by the selector and the properties.

rect {
     fill: #000;

Take a look on: StyleDeclaration

Changing Properties


var rect: SVGRect = svgDocument.getDefinition("myRectId");
rect.svgWidth = "20%";"fill", "#000");

The library will detect the changes and render again only the affected parts.

Editing SVG Test

Not currently supported. The library has TextField and TLF text renderers. Both would support text editing with some minor changes.

If you have a very simple text element. You could create a custom text renderer, based on the file: TLFSVGTextDrawer

Changing the SelectionManager to EditManager, on line:

textFlow.interactionManager = new SelectionManager();

But to make it work with tspan, line breaks, formatting and so on. You would need to edit text on a rich text editor, maybe made with TLF too, and then generate tspans, texts, with pre-calculated positions.