Releases: louiss0/forastro
Releases · louiss0/forastro
[email protected]
5.1.0 (2025-01-23)
🚀 Features
- forastro: Add ESbuild plugin to transform ts extension into js ones I'm doing this because I realized that people should rely on nu shell to transform files. Tt should be a part of the system. Doing this ensures ease of use (40c116f)
🩹 Fixes
- utilities: move createAstroFunctionalComponent to internal I ran into a bug where for astro utilites wouldn't build because the createAstroFunctional component was in the wrong file. (ece95a7)
- forastro: fix paths to esbuild file in the projects config for utilities and asciidoc (6b2183e)
❤️ Thank You
- louiss0 @louiss0
[email protected]
[email protected]
2.2.0 (2025-01-23)
🚀 Features
- forastro: Add ESbuild plugin to transform ts extension into js ones I'm doing this because I realized that people should rely on nu shell to transform files. Tt should be a part of the system. Doing this ensures ease of use (40c116f)
🩹 Fixes
- forastro: make changes to files based on ts and eslint errors I found many eslint and ts based errors in these files But for the tailwind file I needed to place an object as the lat argument. So I took out the prose object and spread it out (0002778)
- add unocss and tailwindcss as devDependencies for building (7eab921)
- forastro: fix paths to esbuild file in the projects config for utilities and asciidoc (6b2183e)
- remove used localdate variable (b0f764e)
- asciidoc: allow array values to be parsed when attribute values are being validated\n I tried to use the mock app to test the chages so far.\nBut discovered that prism languages weren't being processed properly\nit was because it returns an array (c421e5a)
- use proper document type (f73f5a6)
❤️ Thank You
- louiss0 @louiss0
[email protected]
5.0.1 (2025-01-14)
The main purpose of this release is to write a better Read me.
This readme is important now because it leads to the docs.
It also gives the user some examples of what the library provides.
[email protected]
2.1.1 (2025-01-13)
🩹 Fixes
- asciidoc: allow array values to be parsed when attribute values are being validated\n I tried to use the mock app to test the chages so far.\nBut discovered that prism languages weren't being processed properly\nit was because it returns an array (3eb988e)
- use proper document type (b209c27)
❤️ Thank You
- louiss0 @louiss0
[email protected]
2.1.0 (2025-01-05)
🚀 Features
- add attribute validation based on snake or dash case keys (62edfde)
- add content folder name validation (c76d601)
🩹 Fixes
- enforce dashed case validation and transform into camelCase before validation (fe229d4)
- remove last group from regex's related to case schemas (66a998a)
- fetch files from the folder with the collection's name in it The loader would previously fetch all content from the folder regardless of collection Now it uses the collection name to determine the exact folder to get content from (c153935)
- split plugin file into two different files I ran into a bug where the tailwind plugin was supposed to be loaded but it couldn't due to the fact that it wasn't downloaded. If the user uses the tailwind plugin then they should only use the tailwind file The test file only tested the unocss logic so it's now changed to unocss.spec (d73ed13)
❤️ Thank You
- louiss0 @louiss0
[email protected]
5.0.0 (2025-01-03)
🚀 Features
- add components as imports (e0c859d)
- turn public folder into an assets folder (76cbc52)
- add tags to each file to indicate that they are libraries (c93e7ce)
- Execute if and execute Unless now have type predicates allowing for type safe narrowing. (945119b)
- create utilities for only getting data from collections (1b4e883)
- Create useDefineTemplateAndProjector. (c3f2d65)
🩹 Fixes
- remove main and module and use exports instead I discovered that exports aren't ignored by typescript instead main and module are (6a65b6b)
- remove content collection types from the library into a place to be tested It's best not to create an api around virual modules They are hard to update and change the file will turn into a set of snippets instead once tested (1f6bcf9)
- allow astro files to be imported (18b6f6d)
- return undefined to check lint error (50634ed)
- remove released heading under changelog before release. (de09508)
- Make sure projector default slot is accessed properly. (4efc530)
- use null coalesing operator to get value of expressions from storedSlot (1b98fcb)
- make sure object keys length is the same as the object being sent in first. (e634d61)
- Use better condition for checking if an the first param is an object with the a (7956beb)
- use proper object checking methods for Tempalter and Projector and remember to use and don't return from function at all (0f90d2d)
- write proper check for rather props are defined and don't use Object.freeze() unless props is an object (d7dd73a)
- Remove the condition that checks if the function is a child while template props are filled. It's better to the projector adjust it's code to what is written in Templater. (e8c50e8)
- utilities: Remove all unused imports. (12c04cc)
- Type
properly. (a6cfe9e) - remove args from function type. (e4c3685)
- @forastro/utilities is not at 4.0.2 it's at 0.1 (9c4f3c9)
- Remove all uses of the third argument from this codebase. (ceb5836)
- Remove cause arg don't know what happened but it could be fixed later. (18f1f31)
- Remove all referecnces to cjs in the repo. (e04c50e)
- export types for flow (29462dc)
- Add the ./components entry point to make sure /components is accessible. (3d3adc2)
- bugs after merge. (023b9a8)
- utilities: use proper entry points in package.json file (a8e736f)
- Move files properly to make tsup build properly. (c5aa734)
- Move exports from helpers/index.ts into index.ts file. (fe60df9)
- utilities: change structure to prevent circular dependencies (40f3e1b)
- refactor all utils to use only relative paths. (61faf84)
- Add homepage to the json files for each flow, remark-html-directives-integration, and utilities (7d9eef2)
- Make callback type use any for args and return type to be usable (d2c0a81)
- Make callback type use any for args and return type to be usable (2f8ed4e)
- Remove all scripts associated with tsup from utilities and flow. (83c595d)
- utilities: wrong bump (bf383d1)
- utilities: Lint errors in changelog are fixed (3fcf207)
- utilities: Remove types from exports (7180fc7)
- flow&utilities: using the test folder instead of src (d6f7d44)
- utilities: change dist into src (79ec11c)
- utilities: Moved components to the /src folder (5e5c5af)
❤️ Thank You
- louiss0 @louiss0
[email protected]
2.0.0 (2025-01-03)
This was a version bump only for asciidoc to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.
[email protected]
1.0.0 (2025-01-03)
🚀 Features
- add 'tailwindcss' as an optional dependency (fa8d477)
- add sizes selectors for tailwind plugin (20fe290)
- add static color support to tailwind plugin (eb7c56a)
- create tailwind plugin (591355c)
- add support for prism-highlighter remove highlight I decided that highlightjs would get in the way of how this library is used Now only prism and shiki are supported. (7a7a055)
- integrate shiki into asciidoctor This feature includes two things. Validation for shiki. Registration of shiki themes based on configuration. All langauges are loadeed there are no restrictions (08cdcbb)
🩹 Fixes
- make shiki the default highlighter (bcb5b8e)
- make shiki highlighter work by setting the handlesHighlighting option to true (9656cd2)
- register blocks and macros globally Creating an extension didn't work for some reason. I don't know why but it just didn't. I used the asciidoc-loader-mock project to test this out (8b0b884)
- when creating documents load paths using the content folder path (1bf368c)
- make a default theme is passed for highlightjs so if unspecified the user can simply omit it as well (d7a2038)
- remove config folder argument from asciidoc loader (ded5558)
- replace Asciidoctor type with one from the asciidoctor's return type Typescript doesn't process types from asciidoc I forgot (7b30972)
- use dash case to access object's instead of camelCase I made zod turn all attributes into lower dashed case when attributes are being parsed (11bd491)
- remove highlighter options and only use only highlight'js with proper options (a0311ba)
❤️ Thank You
- louiss0 @louiss0
Release @forastro/utilities 4.3.8
- Type for
to represent real overload for it usesEntryIsNotADraft
instead ofCollectionEntry