This is a simple project to experiment with perlin noise. The project is written in c++ using X11 for the windowing system. There are 7 different way to generate images using perlin noise built-in the project:
- cloud effects using 2 superposed perlin noise
- 2 graph representation of perlin noise in 2D
- marble effect
- wood effect
- one effect that I don't know how to describe
- procedural landscape
# clone:
git clone
# compile:
# run:
- press space bar to change the effect
- press escape to quit the program
- X11
- g++
- make
The project is divided in 3 main parts:
- the noise generation
- cache pseudo-random gradient vectors based on seed
- cut the image in a grid of cells
- for each cell, generate a pseudo-random gradient vector
- for each pixel in the cell, calculate the distance to the 4 corners of the cell and interpolate the gradient vectors
- the image generation
- image are basically 2D array of uint32_t
- the x11 windowing system
- open a connection to the X server
- get a default root window
- define window properties
- create the main window
- event handling
- key press event
- quit the program with escape key
- change the effect with space bar
- close window event
- key press event
- create effect function in effects folder
- follow the same pointer function signature as the other effects
int (*name)(uint32_t *image, bool &needUpdate)
- add the effect in the
file by adding the function pointer in the vector of function pointerswindow.load_render(<new_effect_name>);
- make again the project !
- perlin noise is a random noise that is coherent, meaning that the noise is smooth and continuous
- this property makes perlin noise very useful in procedural generation
- in computer graphics and video games, perlin noise is used to generate textures, terrain, clouds, particles, etc...
- the advantage of perlin noise is that you can reduce the weight of your assets by generating them on the fly
- @lohhiiccc
this is my first project with X11, i may have done some things wrong, feel free to tell me how to improve it.