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Samuli edited this page Apr 1, 2016 · 2 revisions

Dumping log data

rake events:dump

The event dump outputs a CSV with the following columns:

  1. Timestamp
  2. Event type
  3. User
  4. Event target
  5. Event extra entity
  6. State

The event types and their arguments are documented in the top of log_event.rb.

Note: Events with state can mean the opposite! For example share_video with state 0 means that a video was unshared.

Example output:

2016-02-16 14:52:13 UTC,publish_video,42,167,,1
2016-02-16 14:55:49 UTC,create_group,42,41,,
2016-02-16 14:59:51 UTC,share_video,42,166,41,1

rake events:names

Outputs names of entities used in the log dump in JSON format.

Example output:

  "videos": { "123": "Some video", "151": "Other video" },
  "users": { "15": "Urist McTest" },
  "groups": { "3": "Sample group" },


The log data can be visualized with eventgraph.


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