This gem will let you run Symfony specific tasks with Capistrano 3.x.
This project is forked and extended from capistrano-symfony
More information about Symfony & Capistrano (fr)
- Installation
- Usage
- Available tasks
- Executing symfony console commands on the server directly from the local CLI
- Handling parameters.yml
- Contributing
Currently this gem fork is not published ofr bundler and can only used by specifying the repository in your application's Gemfile:
gem 'capistrano-symfony', :git => '[email protected]:leaphub/capistrano-symfony.git'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Add a "require" statement in your application Capfile
require 'capistrano/symfony'
The following list shows the available options with their default values:
set :symfony_console_path, 'app/console'
set :symfony_roles, :web
set :symfony_default_flags, '--quiet --no-interaction'
set :symfony_assets_flags, '--symlink'
set :symfony_assetic_flags, ''
set :symfony_cache_clear_flags, ''
set :symfony_cache_warmup_flags, ''
set :symfony_env, 'prod'
set :symfony_parameters_upload, :ask
set :symfony_parameters_path, 'app/config/'
set :symfony_parameters_name_scheme, 'parameters_#{fetch(:stage)}.yml'
set :symfony_doctrine_migrate_flags, ''
set :symfony_doctrine_schema_update_flags, '--force'
set :symfony_doctrine_fixture_flags, ''
set :gulp_file, nil
set :grunt_file, nil
set :asset_files, []
set :asset_dirs, []
- symfony:assets:install
- symfony:assetic:dump
- symfony:cache:clear
- symfony:cache:warmup
- symfony:parameters:upload
- symfony:app:clean_environment
- symfony:doctrine:migrate (Executes doctrine migrations)
- symfony:doctrine:schema_update (Executes doctrine schema update)
- symfony:doctrine:fixtures_load (Load doctrine fixtures)
- composer:install (Installs a copy of composer)
- composer:update (Executes a composer update)
- composer:dump_autoload (Executes a composer dump autoload)
- assets:gulp:precompile (Executes the gulp asset pipeline)
- assets:grunt:precompile (Executes the grunt asset pipeline)
- assets:upload (Uploads a configured list of assets to the deployment target)
This project in addition to the original assetic tasks supports additional asset tools.
If you are using assetic
, add in your config file
before 'deploy:publishing', 'symfony:assetic:dump'
Create the gulp assets before uploading them
before 'assets:upload', 'assets:grunt:precompile'
Upload the assets configured in :asset_files
and :list of assets
after 'symfony:cache:clear', 'assets:upload'
#### Using Gulp
Create the gulp assets before uploading them
before 'assets:upload', 'assets:gulp:precompile'
Upload the assets configured in :asset_files
and :list of assets
after 'symfony:cache:clear', 'assets:upload'
Note: Uploading the assets before the cache was cleared caused them to be stored in the previous release.
This library also provides a symfony:run
task which allows access to any
Symfony console command.
With log level set to debug, from the command line you can run:
$ cap production symfony:run['list --env=prod']
Or from within a rake task using capistrano's invoke
task :my_custom_composer_task do
invoke 'symfony:run', :'assets:install'
If necessary, the capistrano-symfony
module can upload the app/config/parameters.yml
for you.
The :symfony_parameters_upload
option can take tree values :
- :never : Never upload the local parameters file even when the remote version is different
- :always : Always upload the local parameters file when the remote version is different
- :ask : Always ask you before uploading the local parameters file when the remote version is different (default)
The local parameters file must be defined in the app/config/
, see default value of :symfony_parameters_path
The parameters file name depends on the defined capistrano stages parameters_#{fetch(:stage)}.yml
By using this strategy, you can have different parameters files for each of your capistrano stages, e.g:
- app/config/parameters_staging.yml
- app/config/parameters_production.yml
The only required configuration is the :linked_files
set :linked_files, %w{app/config/parameters.yml}
Note: On first deployment, the parameters file will be uploaded in the shared folder. On next deployments, this will depend on the strategy you defined with the :symfony_parameters_upload
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request