A network program written in C where clients can connect and issue friends commands.
- The motivation behind building this project was to develop a simple messaging tool for efficient and user-friendly communication among friends.
- By eliminating the unnecessary complexities and features of other platforms, this project aimed to streamline the experience and provide a lightweight, portable platform.
- Additionally, it removes the need for an extensive sign-up process and profile set up, allowing users to quickly start communicating with their friends.
- From this project, I learned how to a create a server in C with sockets, which allows any number of users to connect.
- I also learned how to juggle many client connections, and how to prevent deadlock when attempting to check multiple sockets for data.
- Clone the repository
- Run make on the root directory
- Run the executable friend_server
- Starting the server
- Compile the project, see installation
- Run the executable friend_server
- The default port is 56524
- The server is up and running!
Disconnects the client from the server
Usage: $quit -
Lists all the users that have registered to this server
Usage: $list_users -
Makes a friendship between the currrent user and the username
Usage: $make_friends username -
Posts a message on the target's profile
Usage: post target message -
Shows the profile of the username
Usage: profile username