version 0.0.0 - July 05, 2016
Video of an early prototype demonstration:
The LASR Attitude Test-bed, also called LAT, is a custom 3-DoF experimental attitude platform for testing attitude control and estimation algorithms.
The LAT was initially developed to enable graduate and undergraduate research into attitude estimation and control algorithms. Equipped with reaction wheels similar to what could be found on a SmallSat class spacecraft, a MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) inertial measurement unit, and simulated attitude sensors, the attitude test-bed allows for realistic attitude control in the presence of noise.
The LAT was developed at Texas A&M University - Land, Air, and Space (LASR) Laboratory.
CAD models for the platform. Please follow assembling_lat.pdf for instructions.
EAGLE files for motor driver board fabrication and component list for ordering parts.
Files to interface MATLAB and LAT. You will be able to write your controller on MATLAB and send torque or velocity commands to LAT via UDP protocol.
Please make sure to take a look on the example file. (lat_control_xyz.m)
Files to interface Python and LAT. You will be able to write your controller on Python and send torque or velocity commands to LAT via UDP protocol.
Files to be uploaded to the RaspberryPi on LAT. These files are responsible to provide communication and control the motors on LAT.
For further information and assistance please contact: Vinicius Goecks: [email protected]
Texas A&M University - Land, Air, and Space (LASR) Laboratory.