a concise theme for hexo.
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- Get Nayo from github
$ git clone https://github.com/Lemonreds/hexo-theme-Nayo themes/nayo
or download zip and rename Nayo into yourblog/themes/
- Modify theme setting in yourblog/_config.yml to Nayo.
theme: Nayo
来自歌曲 <东京不太热> -封茗囧菌
有任何问题和建议欢迎 Open an issue 。
当然如果你还能点个star的话 就非常的可爱和谢谢啦 :)
install dependencies [安装Node依赖]
$ npm install
- modify theme [运行开发环境]
$ npm run dev
- build once [打包一次文件]
$ npm run build