Bankist app created as part of javascript course on Udemy.
- Displays:
- Money movements (deposits/withdrawals) with internationalized dates and values
- Total deposits, withdrawals, and interest
- Total Balance (top right)
- Time when information was updated
- Sorting
- Money movements can be sorted by amount using the button at the bottom.
- Clicking the sort button will toggle sorting, so clicking it again will undo the sort.
- Transfers
- Can make transfers between users (see test users below)
- allows transfers less than amount you have available in your account
- displays withdrawal after transfer is made, also appears in destination account
- Requesting Loans
- Loans are allowed if they are less than 10 times the size of the largest deposit on the account
- Yes this could easily be cheated by just getting larger and larger loans, in a real situation there would be more complex mechanics
- There is a 2.5 second delay before the loan appears to simulate an approval process
- Loans are allowed if they are less than 10 times the size of the largest deposit on the account
- Closing Account
- Account can be closed by inputting username and password and confirming.
- This will log out the user and delete their account
- reloading the page will the account back
- Internationalization
- all numbers and times are formatted based on user locale (see test users below).
- currency changes based on user as well
- Timer
- upon login a 5 minute timer starts, at the end of which the user will be logged out and the UI will be hidden
- clicking any of the buttons on the screen that perform an action after login will start the timer over
Jonas Schmedtmann (author of the course)
- login: js/1111
- locale: pt-PT
- currency: Euro
- interest-rate: 1.2
Jessica Davis
- login: jd/2222
- locale: en-US
- currency: USD
- interest-rate: 1.5
Steven Thomas Williams
- login: stw/3333
- locale: en-GB
- currency: Pounds
- interest-rate: 0.7
Sarah Smith
- login: ss/4444
- locale: es-ES
- currency: Euro
- interest-rate: 1.0