Parses a LessCSS-File with MODX Evo 1.x
See for futher info
- MODX Evolution 1.x
- A copy of v0.3.9 in
- Create a new plugin named "ParseLessCSS"
- Copy the content of parselesscss.plugin.txt into the content of the plugin
- Check the OnWebPageComplete event in the "events" tab.
- Copy the following in the "configuration" tab:
&fileIn=LESS File;text; &fileOut=CSS File;text; &minify=Minify?;list;yes,no;yes
- LESS File: should be the relative path to the LESS-file, e.g.
- CSS File: should be the relative path to the generated CSS-file, e.g.
- Minify?: Choose yes if you want the plugin to minify the generated CSS file