- 🔭 Currently Working On: iOS App Development Repository
- 🌱 Currently Learning: Swift, Large Language Models (LLMs), and iOS Development.
- 👯 Looking to Collaborate On: Machine Learning and Cloud Projects (AWS).
- 🤝 Open to Assistance With: Back-End Development and Complex DBMS Projects.
- 📝 Writing Articles On: Medium.
- 📫 How to Reach Me: [email protected].
- ⚡ Fun Fact: I don’t just code, I solve problems!
MERN, Scikit-Learn, NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV, Matplotlib, Keras, XGBoost, Apache, OpenShift, Tableau, Hadoop, AWS Redshift, DAX, MLFlow, DagHub, DVC, Time Management, Critical Thinking, Model Compression, Cloud Computing, Golang, Agile.