Build server | Platform | Status |
AppVeyor | Windows | |
Travis | Linux / MacOS |
- First run the database:
docker run --name simpldb -d postgres
- Then run the app:
docker run --name simplsite -d -p 5000:5000 --link simpldb:simpldb simplcommerce/nightly-build
- Create a database in SQL Server
- Update the connection string in appsettings.json in SimplCommerce.WebHost
- Build whole solution.
- In the Task Runner Explorer, right click on the "copy-modules" task and Run.
- Open Package Manager Console Window and type "Update-Database" then press "Enter". This action will create database schema.
- Execute src/Database/StaticData.sql on the created database to insert seed data.
- In Visual Studio, press "Control + F5".
- The back-office can access via /Admin using the pre-created account: [email protected], 1qazZAQ!
- PostgreSQL
- NodeJS
- .NET Core SDK 2.0
- Create a database in PostgreSQL.
- Update the connection string in appsettings.json in SimplCommerce.WebHost.
- Run file "sudo ./".
- Execute src/Database/StaticData_Postgres.sql on the created database to insert seed data.
- In the terminal, navigate to the "src/SimplCommerce.WebHost" type "dotnet run" and hit "Enter".
- Open browser, open http://localhost:5000. The back-office can access via /Admin using the pre-created account: [email protected], 1qazZAQ!
- ASP.NET MVC Core 2.0.0 on .NET Core 2.0.0
- Entity Framework Core 2.0.0
- ASP.NET Identity Core 2.0.0
- Autofac 4.2.0
- Angular 1.6.3
- MediatR 3.0.1 for domain event
- Report bugs or suggest features by create new issues or add comments to issues
- Submit pull requests
- If SimplCommerce has been helpful to you, then you might want to buy us a beer
SimplCommerce is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.