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Hi there, I'm Klaus


I am a creative technologist, programmer, designer, investor and pay it forward guy. Since 1995 and some change I have made computers do my bidding through design, programming and applied solder irons. I rock vanilla JS/TS, node and all its flavours.

Allthough of less relevance here, I ROCK offline graphic design and design strategy, have written books, designed and published amazing corporate works and worked on exciting brands and commercials for a large body of fortune 500 companies and international NGOs -> I Design & Develop & Lead stuff. :)

Current location
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "id": 1,
      "properties": {
        "ID": 0,
        "name": "I'm usually around here somewhere"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
            [12.5683, 55.7135],
            [12.5747, 55.7129],
            [12.5807, 55.7109],
            [12.5858, 55.7077],
            [12.5897, 55.7035],
            [12.5918, 55.6988],
            [12.5918, 55.6937],
            [12.5897, 55.6889],
            [12.5858, 55.6847],
            [12.5807, 55.6815],
            [12.5747, 55.6795],
            [12.5683, 55.6789],
            [12.5619, 55.6795],
            [12.5559, 55.6815],
            [12.5508, 55.6847],
            [12.5467, 55.6889],
            [12.5446, 55.6937],
            [12.5446, 55.6988],
            [12.5467, 55.7035],
            [12.5508, 55.7077],
            [12.5559, 55.7109],
            [12.5619, 55.7129],
            [12.5683, 55.7135]
Formative books

The Elements of Typographic style

Understanding media

No logo

D&D 4th edition

NASA standards manual

Raster systeme

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information

Envisioning Information

Languages and technologies
  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, HTML, CSS, ActionScript, SQL, DHTML
  • Frameworks & Libraries: React, React Native, Redux, Angular, Preact, Vue,, Stencil.js, Prototype, Riot, WebComponents, Nuxt, Bootstrap, Material UI, Node.js, Express, Electron, Cordova, PhoneGap, Backbone, Spine, Sitecore, Zend, i18n, Jest, Sharp, Storybook, Webpack, Varnish, Traefik, Heroku, Firebase, i18n, Bitbucket Pipelines, Atomic Design, Apollo, WebSockets, Microservices, API Development, GraphQL, Redis, JSON, AJAX, jQuery
  • Databases & Storage: Redis, MySQL, MongoDB
  • DevOps & CI/CD: Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Azure, Gradle, Helm, Jenkins, Git, Bitbucket, BrowserSync, VS2012, Confluence, Sitecore, GitHub, Travis CI, Bitbucket Pipelines, Git, Jira, Caddy Server, Playwright, Azure DevOps
  • 3D & Graphics: MATLAB, After Effects, Photoshop, D3.js, SVG, SVG Icon Libraries, GMAX, Flash, Final Cut, Protools, Maya, Renderman, GIMP, Illustrator, 3js, Vector Manipulations
  • Testing & Automation: Playwright, Jest, Selenium, WebDriver, Mocha, Visual Regression Testing, TDD, e2e Testing, Visual Diff Testing
  • Backend & Servers: ASP.NET MVC, JWT, OpenAPI, Web Services, REST APIs,, OpenShift, RabbitMQ, Symbol Locked Messages, WebSocket APIs
  • Game Engines & Physics: Physics in Flash, Three.js, Self-Brewed Physics Engine
  • Security & Auth: JWT, Auth0, OTP, SSO, OpenAPI, SHA, FacialID, Security, Cryptography
  • Other: Microarchitectures, Agile, SCRUM, F5, BigIp, Memcached, XMPP, Eleventy, Design Tokens, Accessibility Compliance, REST, WebWorkers, Kafka, NASA API, GraphQL, RealPlayer, Audio & Video Integration
Real languages
  • English: Fluent
  • Danish: Fluent
  • German: Fluent
  • Swedish/Norwegian: semi fluent
  • French: enough to get in trouble
  • Italian: Junior apprentice
  • Japanese: Junior apprentice
  • Latin: Senior apprentice

I like

  • Sparklines ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█
  • Fencing
  • Helping people out
  • Building products
  • and companies


Linear, Arriam, Threads, Dosu, DTU, AICenter


Disney, Fruitella, Target, Sony, Nike, Capcom, 3, Sony Vaio, Sony Playstation, Bythreads, Carecord, Medtrace, Bangura Bird, Payamba, Tiba,,, Novo Nordisk, Medtrace, Erhvervsstyrelsen, NETS, ZYB, TV2, SaxoBank, Danmarks Radio, TDC Yousee, Schneider Electric, Danica Pension, KUA, Carecord, Vodafone, Threads, Novalis, UNDP, Neurokey MedTech, Telenor, Sterling Airlines,.

Ask Me Anything !

Be kind.

— Me

solid pyramid_with_circle
  // Pyramid base (square)
  facet normal 0 0 -1
    outer loop
      vertex -1 -1 0
      vertex 1 -1 0
      vertex 1 1 0
  facet normal 0 0 -1
    outer loop
      vertex -1 -1 0
      vertex 1 1 0
      vertex -1 1 0

  // Pyramid sides
  facet normal 0 -1 1
    outer loop
      vertex -1 -1 0
      vertex 1 -1 0
      vertex 0 0 2
  facet normal 1 0 1
    outer loop
      vertex 1 -1 0
      vertex 1 1 0
      vertex 0 0 2
  facet normal 0 1 1
    outer loop
      vertex 1 1 0
      vertex -1 1 0
      vertex 0 0 2
  facet normal -1 0 1
    outer loop
      vertex -1 1 0
      vertex -1 -1 0
      vertex 0 0 2

  // Approximate sphere (circle) over the pyramid
  facet normal 0 0 1
    outer loop
      vertex 0 0 3
      vertex 0.5 0 2.5
      vertex 0 0.5 2.5
  facet normal 0 0 1
    outer loop
      vertex 0 0 3
      vertex 0 0.5 2.5
      vertex -0.5 0 2.5
  facet normal 0 0 1
    outer loop
      vertex 0 0 3
      vertex -0.5 0 2.5
      vertex 0 -0.5 2.5
  facet normal 0 0 1
    outer loop
      vertex 0 0 3
      vertex 0 -0.5 2.5
      vertex 0.5 0 2.5

Pinned Loading

  1. .profiles .profiles Public

    just boilerplate stuff for confin new machines


  2. unicorn-magic unicorn-magic Public

    Forked from sindresorhus/unicorn-magic

    Some useful utilities I often need


  3. websocket-ts websocket-ts Public

    Forked from jjxxs/websocket-ts

    A convenient TypeScript-first client-websocket for browsers.


  4. webtorrent webtorrent Public

    Forked from webtorrent/webtorrent

    ⚡ Streaming torrent client for the web


  5. You-Dont-Know-JS You-Dont-Know-JS Public

    Forked from jakearchibald/You-Dont-Know-JS

    A JavaScript book series. @YDKJS on twitter.


  6. duetds/duetds-upload-server duetds/duetds-upload-server Public

    Demo of an upload server that can be used with the duet-upload component

    JavaScript 1