This project contains the Angular-based front end of the Weltenbummlerpaar travel diary web application. The corresponding Nest-based back-end application can be found here.
The first step is to download the application's latest release and to extract it:
tar -xzvf weltenbummlerpaar-vx.x.x.tar.gz
cd weltenbummlerpaar-vx.x.x
The second step is to install the application's dependencies:
npm install
The third step is to configure in the production environment
the baseurl
and the domain
name of the remote server that hosts the
back-end application:
Front-end version | Requires the following back-end version. |
1.0.x | 1.0.x |
1.1.x | 1.1.x |
2.x.x | 2.0.x |
The last step is to initiate the application's build process in production mode:
npm run build
The output files are written to dist/weltenbummlerpaar/de
and can be copied
to a remote server. This is usually the same server that hosts the back-end
application, because it does not support cross-origin resource sharing (CORS).
The server has to be configured in a way that it serves static content from the
location where the dist-files were copied to and redirects requests for missing
files to index.html
; see here for more
The application's source code is hosted on GitHub:
git clone
cd weltenbummlerpaar
The application's dependencies are installed via:
npm install
Husky is used to automatically lint and format on commit:
npm run husky:install
Unit tests are provided based on Jasmine and Karma. All unit tests are executed via:
npm run test
A code coverage report is created at coverage/weltenbummlerpaar
npm run test -- --code-coverage --no-watch