This scrips are checked using Metashape pro v1.7.0.
This script use metashape stand alone module, please see the link of "How to install Metashape stand-alone Python module".
For ver.2 or later version, script should be edited to run correctly.
Put the py and bat files on the same folder with image files.
Then run bat file.
Metashape will perform SfM and output the orthoimage.
Probably, you need to change the metashape path for the bat file.
In this dataset, 12bit circular coded marker(printed by metashape) were used.
target ID 121,122,125 and 126 were used.
Each distances are...
121-122 = 1.48m
122-126 = 14.4m
125-126 = 1.484m
From the front view.
121 125
| |
| |
| |
122 _______126
When you want to use your own configuration, some script lines should be changed. --> target name --> target name, region size and box size.
Sample Dataset (Filesize 18.5GB)
Sample 3D Point Cloud data (ply) (Filesize 250MB)