Basic Program structure for an EV3RT c++ project. (Works in both Windows and Linux)
This is the Basic Project structure for an EV3RT c++/c project.
For Windows: Install WSL v2 Ubuntu 20.04 update it and clone this and YS-ev3rt-hrp2 repo inside ~/EV3RT/ and clone the lib-ev3ys inside YS-ev3rt-hrp2/sdk/common/library/ then from this repo install compilers with the bash script. Then install curl for windows so that the batch compilation scripts will work. Also inside a windows folder clone the YS-ev3rt-hrp2 and change the c_cpp_properties.json includePath to the folder you cloned it so that intellisense works.
For Linux: Clone this and YS-ev3rt-hrp2 repo inside ~/EV3RT/ and clone the lib-ev3ys inside YS-ev3rt-hrp2/sdk/common/library/ then from this repo install compilers with the bash script.
It requires EV3RTOS v7.3beta and modified YS-ev3rt-hrp2 folder(placed in ~/EV3RT/) with added ev3ys library from lib-ev3ys private repo includes ev3cxx library from RB3rt (labView like functions)
In order for keybinds to work for compiling and uploading with bt/usb you have to copy the contents from the .vscode/keybindings.json file to the global user keybindings file under File->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts and going to the JSON mode
Also when you first load the project please install the recommended extensions.