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- Optimizations: Improve the efficiency of the scanning and jamming algorithms.
- Additional Features: Add support for more wireless protocols and enhance spoofing capabilities.
- User Interface: Develop a more user-friendly interface with enhanced display graphics and easier navigation.
nRFBOX is a wireless toolkit designed to explore, analyze, and interact with various wireless communication protocols. It combines the ESP32 Wroom32U, NRF24 modules, an OLED display, and other components to create a multifunctional device that can act as a scanner, analyzer, jammer, BLE jammer, BLE spoofer, and perform advanced tasks such as the "Sour Apple" attack.
- Scanner: Scans the 2.4GHz frequency band to detect active channels and devices.
- Analyzer: Analyzes the detected signals and provides detailed information about the activity.
- Jammer: Jams wireless communication on selected channels to test network robustness.
- BLE Jammer: Specifically targets Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) devices to disrupt their communication.
- BLE Spoofer: Spoofs BLE devices to simulate various BLE signals for testing and research.
- Sour Apple: A specialized attack for testing security measures against specific wireless vulnerabilities.
- ESP32 Wroom32U
- NRF24 GTmini Modules
- OLED 0.96" Display

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.
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Community Contributors: Thank you to everyone who contributes to this project and helps improve nRFBOX.