Releases: kirbydesign/designsystem
Releases · kirbydesign/designsystem
Extensions Angular v3.0.0
Extensions Angular v2.0.0
What's Changed
Breaking Changes 🛠
- Formatting Pipes: Make amount pipes amountServiceConfiguration optional by @cpoulsen in #3789
Migration: The method signature of
has changed, and order of parameters should be updated fromformatAmount(amount: Amount, amountServiceConfiguration: AmountServiceConfiguration, locale: string, nativeCurrency: string)
formatAmount(amount: Amount, locale: string, nativeCurrency: string, amountServiceConfiguration?: AmountServiceConfiguration)
New Features 🎉
- Formatting Pipes: added string type to date and time pipe inputs by @KemalPajevic in #3787
- Image Banner: emit error event when image fails to load by @troelslenda in #3785
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Image Banner: set height explicitly to preserve scroll state in safari by @RasmusTraeholt and @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3804
Full Changelog: v1.3.0-extensions-angular...v2.0.0-extensions-angular
Extensions Angular v1.3.0
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Skeleton Loader: Add new skeleton loader component by @mortenstaerkaer in #3747
- Localization: Add formatting pipes by @cpoulsen in #3735
- Image Banner: add option for aria-label for image banner dismiss button by @Askholm88 in #3771
What's Changed
Peer Dependencies 👫
- Deps: Update to Angular 19 by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3758
- Deps: Update date-fns (v4.1.0) and date-fns-tz by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3777
New Features 🎉
- Icons: Add expense, income, notification-fill and signed-document by @Fuzzy3 in #3761
- Icon: hide icons from assistive technology by default by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3768
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Calendar: fix wrong date when using keyboard nav and UTC timezone by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3744
- Form Field: adjust spacing between label and nested interactive by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3757
- Toggle Button: Ensure focus on toggled button is preserved by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3764
Full Changelog: v10.2.1...v10.3.0
What's Changed
- Revert date-fns and date-fns-tz update by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3741
Full Changelog: v10.2.0...v10.2.1
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Button: add
support by @jakobe in #3699 - Calendar: enable keyboard interaction and improve semantics by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3689
- Segmented Control: a11y improvements by @jakobe in #3707
- Button: add a11y documentation for icon only button by @jakobe in #3713
- Item: improve keyboard interaction and semantics by @jakobe in #3718
- Avatar: support lazy loading of image by @jakobe in #3727
- Accessibility: translate internal component labels by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3717
- Modal, Alert: label modal with title contents by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3702
- Item: improve styling for slotted textual content by @jakobe in #3734
- Menu: enable keyboard interaction and improve semantics by @Fuzzy3 in #3703
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Icon: remove title and desc element by @jakobe in #3676
- List: No shape makes kirby item background transparent and updates border-color by @Fuzzy3 in #3666
- Icon: margin is missing when slotted to the end inside Item by @jakobe in #3723
- Dropdown: fix z-index for overlayed card by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3728
Full Changelog: v10.1.3...v10.2.0
Extensions Angular v1.2.0
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- Image Banner: add slots for title and body text by @troelslenda in #3671
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Image Banner: fix missing padding-end on text in small view by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3695
- Image Banner: Fix dismiss icon intersection on wide variant by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3697
What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Core: declare print scss export by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3669
Full Changelog: v10.1.2...v10.1.3
What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Core: declare
scss exports by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3668
Full Changelog: v10.1.1...v10.1.2
What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐛
- Core: declare scss exports in package by @RasmusKjeldgaard in #3665
Full Changelog: v10.1.0...v10.1.1