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Akeneo Cheat Sheet

In this document:


Console command shortcuts

See further chapters to know how to install those command aliases on Prod or Dev

Command Description
ak-assets Regenerate assets for the whole application
ak-routes Regenerate js routes for the whole application
ak-cache Regenerate caches
ak-trans Regenerate translations files
ak-batch Run batch jobs
ak-jobs List batch jobs

Shortcuts on your production environment

On your production environments, insert those lines in your ~/.bash_profile file :

alias ak-assets='rm -rf app/cache/prod/* web/bundles/* web/css/* web/js/* && app/console pim:install:ass --env=prod && app/console assets:install --env=prod && app/console fos:js-routing:dump --target="web/js/routes.js" --env=prod'
alias ak-routes='rm -rf web/js/routes.js && app/console fos:js-routing:dump --target="web/js/routes.js" --env=prod'
alias ak-cache='rm -rf app/cache/prod/* && app/console cache:clear --env=prod'
alias ak-trans='app/console translation:update --env=prod && app/console oro:translation:dump --env=prod'
alias ak-batch='app/console akeneo:batch:job --env=prod'
alias ak-jobs='app/console akeneo:batch:list-jobs --env=prod'

Then run source ~/.bash_profile

Thanks to @jmleroux

Shortcuts on your development environment

On your development environments, insert those lines in your ~/.bash_profile file :

alias ak-assets='rm -rf app/cache/dev/* web/bundles/* web/css/* web/js/* && app/console pim:install:ass --env=dev && app/console assets:install --env=dev && app/console fos:js-routing:dump --target="web/js/routes.js" --env=dev'
alias ak-routes='rm -rf web/js/routes.js && app/console fos:js-routing:dump --target="web/js/routes.js" --env=dev'
alias ak-cache='rm -rf app/cache/dev/* && app/console cache:clear --env=dev'
alias ak-trans='app/console translation:update --env=dev && app/console oro:translation:dump --env=dev'
alias ak-batch='app/console akeneo:batch:job --env=dev'
alias ak-jobs='app/console akeneo:batch:list-jobs --env=dev'

Then run source ~/.bash_profile

Thanks to @jmleroux

Having fatal errors after upgrading Akeneo or one of your dependencies

If you are experiencing such errors like :

request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception ReflectionException: "Property Pim\Bundle\CatalogBundle\Entity\Channel::$color does not exist" at /var/www/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Persistence/Mapping/RuntimeReflectionService.php line 82 {"exception":"[object] (ReflectionException(code: 0): Property Pim\\Bundle\\CatalogBundle\\Entity\\Channel::$color does not exist at /var/www/vendor/doctrine/common/lib/Doctrine/Common/Persistence/Mapping/RuntimeReflectionService.php:82)"} []

It is probably an OPCache opcode cache issue. To fix it, restart your Apache and PHP-FPM services :

sudo service apache2 restart

sudo service php5-fpm restart

Thanks to @damien-carcel

Fix cache file permissions

On some platforms, you may have some file permission issues in the cache files when you have a web user different from your shell user.

To fix this run those commands, replacing www-data:www-data by the correct user and group on your server if needed :

chown -R www-data:www-data app/cache/*
sudo chmod -R ug-x app/cache/*
sudo chmod -R a-wx app/cache/*
sudo chmod -R ug+Xrw app/cache/*
sudo chmod -R a+Xr app/cache/*

Fix import/export profiles

After having migrated, you may encounter errors while trying to run an import or export job. The json structure has changed between Akeneo 1 and Akeneo 2.

The easiest way to fix that is to edit each concerned profile and save it again even without having changed anything (you might have to save it twice since the first try could also result in an error). Once saved, the job should be running if you tell it to.