DynFork is built around Cryomongo.
For simulate relationship Many-to-One and Many-to-Many,
a simplified alternative (Types of selective fields with dynamic addition of elements) is used.
The project is more concentrated for web development or for applications with a graphic interface.
For simulate relationship Many-to-One and Many-to-Many,
a simplified alternative (Types of selective fields with dynamic addition of elements) is used.
The project is more concentrated for web development or for applications with a graphic interface.
Compatible with MongoDB 3.6+. Tested against: 7.0, 8.0
For more information see Cryomongo.
Online browsable documentation is available at https://kebasyaty.github.io/dynfork/.
View the list of requirements.
Add the dependency to your
:dependencies: dynfork: github: kebasyaty/dynfork
shards install
It is recommended to look at examples here.
require "dynfork"
# Create your model.
@[DynFork::Meta(service_name: "Accounts")]
struct User < DynFork::Model
getter username = DynFork::Fields::TextField.new
getter email = DynFork::Fields::EmailField.new
getter birthday = DynFork::Fields::DateField.new
# Initialize locale.
# https://github.com/crystal-i18n/i18n
I18n.config.loaders << I18n::Loader::YAML.new("config/locales")
I18n.config.default_locale = :en
# Run migration.
# https://elbywan.github.io/cryomongo/Mongo/Client.html
database_name: "test",
# Create a user.
user = User.new
# Add user data.
user.username.value = "username"
user.email.value = "[email protected]"
user.birthday.value = "1970-01-01"
# Save user.
# Hint: print_err - convenient for development.
user.print_err unless user.save
# Print user details.
puts "User details:"
if id = user.object_id
pp User.find_one_to_hash({_id: id})
puts "Documwnt count: #{User.estimated_document_count}"
puts "Delete user."
puts "Documwnt count: #{User.count_documents}"
See the documentation here.
Parameter | Default | Description |
service_name | no | Examples: Accounts | Smartphones | Washing machines | etc ... |
fixture_name | no |
The name of the fixture in the config/fixtures directory (without extension).
Examples: SiteSettings | AppSettings | etc ... |
db_query_docs_limit | 1000 | limiting query results. |
migrat_model? | true |
Set to false if you do not need to migrate the Model to the database. This can be use to validate a web forms - Search form, Contact form, etc. |
create_doc? | true |
Can a Model create new documents in a collection? Set to false if you only need one document in the collection and the Model is using a fixture. |
update_doc? | true | Can a Model update documents in a collection? |
delete_doc? | true | Can a Model remove documents from a collection? |
service_name: "ServiceName",
fixture_name: "FixtureName",
db_query_docs_limit: 1000,
migrat_model?: true,
create_doc?: true,
update_doc?: true,
delete_doc?: true,
struct User < DynFork::Model
getter username = DynFork::Fields::TextField.new
getter birthday = DynFork::Fields::DateField.new
Links to documentation.
- full_model_name
- meta
- subclasses
- object_id
- add_validation
- indexing
- pre_create
- post_create
- pre_update
- post_update
- pre_delete
- post_delete
- migrat
- valid?
- save
- print_err
- delete
- verify_password
- update_password
- aggregate
- collection_name
- count_documents
- distinct
- estimated_document_count
- stats
- find_many_to_hash_list
- find_many_to_json
- find_one_to_hash
- find_one_to_instance
- find_one_to_json
- find_one_and_delete
- unit_manager
- delete_many
- delete_one
- bulk
- bulk_write
- create_index
- create_indexes
- drop_index
- drop_indexes
- list_indexes
- finance_plus
- finance_minus
- finance_divide
- finance_multiply
For currencies, use the Money shard.
- Fork it (https://github.com/kebasyaty/dynfork/fork)
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
- kebasyaty Gennady Kostyunin - creator and maintainer
This project is licensed under the MIT.