A handy shallow rendering utility for RiotJS.
Virtually, shallow
just replace all the tags but the root by <nested-tag><yield /></nested-tag>
during mount.
Install via NPM.
npm i riot-shallowize --dev
// Wrap the original module
var shallowize = require('riot-shallowize');
var riot = shallowize(require('riot'));
// Use new shallow API
riot.shallow('hello', { data: 'Hello' });
// and the others as always
riot.mount('*', { data: 'Hello' });
Minimum example with jest
and jquery
, assuming with riot-jest-transformer
Suppose you have the two tags below:
<virtual each={item in items}>
<my-list-item text={item} />
this.items = opts.items
You can write the unit-test of the outer tag as following:
describe('my-list', () => {
it('should accept data', () => {
const items = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const $myList = $(riot.shallow('my-list', { items }).root);
const $items = $myList.children('my-list-item');
// test count
// test opts
for (let i = 0; i < $items.length; i += 1) {
It's clear and robust, for the test is free from the implementation of the nested tag!
Templating also works except followings and expressions work with some exceptions.
Context object under the nested tags is always a psuedo tag instance on the implementation above, wihtout any attributes, styles, or scripts.
This means that using this
in child nodes may may be troublesome.
In fact, such tags has technically no apptitude for shallow-rendering
--actually, it may have design issues in modularity because it couldn't resist the mutation of one of the nested tags.
And <yield to="..." />
never works.