Very cool Philips Hue Light System PHLS
============CUSTOM CLASSES============ hueLight: huelight is a class that creates instances of 3 variables used for displaying lights. each case is assigned a name, and a number.
============CUSTOM FUNCTIONS==========
setLightState (lightID, onOrOff, lightColor):
setlightstate sends data via an HTTP request to the hue bridge.
the provided data defines the light's brightness, hue and saturation.
disco makes a specified light display a random color.
in unison with setInteval(), disco() can make a light flash random colors for a disco effect.
example : setInterval (disco, timeInterval)
randInt(min, max):
chooses a random number within a given value range of min and max
e.g: min = 10, max = 20, random number will be between 10 and 20.
the same number does not repeat twice in a row. this makes it different from the in-built Math.random module.
candleLight(lightID, color):
candleLight can make a chosen light with a chosen color flicker like a candle.