Hopper is a transport alternitive that is to be implemented into the Queenstown Lakes community to help reduce high congestion at peak traffic hours as well as reducing the emitions of carbon dioxide emitted by transport.
Source for Google Maps tut Google maps tutorial
Source for Google Maps polyline and directions tut Google Maps Polyline and Directions tutorial
//Intance variables
//Instance functions
//Class functions
downloadDriverByUID(String uploadDriver(String, String, double)
//Intance variables
uid = String rating = double body = String driver = Driver
//Intance variables
docref = late var driver = Driver distance = late double origin = LatLng destination = LatLng coords = List stops = Set
//Instance functions
//Class functions
downloadRideByUID(String); uploadRide(Driver, LatLng, LatLng)
Complete backend setup
Communitcation between app and backend
Intergrate Transportation and Logistics apis for routes
Develop all possible methods eg. addRiderToRide, deleteRide, createDriver, addReview, calcutlateRating ect
Integrate google maps into flutter correctly
Design UI interface
Iron out bugs and prepare for prototyping
--Present prototype
Work on configuration options within routes
Communicate between driver and rider
Live updates to Rider of Drivers position