The SLDS Illustration component blueprint as a Lightning Web Component. Also usable in Lightning App Builder.
Deploy the illustration
and illustration-image
components into your org manually or click the button below!

- The
component displays an Illustration that adheres to the blueprint laid out in SLDS. It depends onillustration-image
. - The
component displays only an Illustration image with no text.
Note that illustration
has size constraints placed on it by SLDS while illustration-image
will fill the width of its container.
Images are specified via an identifier in the format category:description
, where category
and description
are the snake_case form of the categories and image labels given on the SLDS Illustration page. For an explicit list of all identifiers, see illustrationImage/images/index.js
See the SLDS Illustration page for what each identifier renders as well as when to use each image.
heading="Lorem ipsum dolor"
heading="Lorem ipsum dolor"
message-body="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur"
heading="Lorem ipsum dolor"
message-body="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur"
<c-illustration heading="Lorem ipsum dolor" image-name="custom:no_task">
<p slot="messageBody" class="slds-text-body_regular">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
<a href="#">Learn More</a>
heading="Lorem ipsum dolor"
message-body="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur"