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Meeting Minutes 2021 05 12

Brian Murphy edited this page May 12, 2021 · 6 revisions

Meeting Minutes - 2021-05-12

Meeting Information

Meeting Date: 2021-05-12

Meeting Purpose: Regular catch-up

Note Taker: brainmurphy


  • adammorr
  • Alberto
  • brainmurphy
  • gkinsman
  • slang25

Previous Action Items

Item Who Notes
Create issue/s to track future improvements Brian In progress ⌨
Create GH issue for Contributor Guide Stu
Raise discussion point with Lambda guide on large message support George Done - covered by new working group
Add Large Message discussion points to existing GH issue Stu Done - covered by new working group

Agenda Items

Item Who Notes
Review Project board All Done
Large message working group. Brian We've created a new working group to figure out a strategy for dealing with messages which exceed the maximum SNS message size (256KB). Once that group, which includes several JustSaying contributors, has agreed a standard we'll look at implementation in our library.
Update on the "optional infrastructure" work. Stu/Brian Stu: Implementation is in main branch, documentation needs updating. Sample applications and work to prove integration with JET platform is not started, but is prioritised.
What else can we do before V7? Release notes? Wiki updates? Docs? Training? Brian -
Discuss "Subject Deprecation: All See the GitHub discussion for details and to contribute.
AOB All Notes below.


Had a discussion about middleware, specifically about middleware around the publisher. We have something on the subscribe side but having it on the publish side would be useful. We could leverage that for "large message" support? After some weekend hacking, George think this would be a viable addition. Could also be useful for OpenTelemetry support in JustSaying?

Releated to metrics: IMessageMonitor.PublishMessageTime doesn't take the message type, so people need to write code to have publish metrics-by-type.

Middy looks like a super nice "middleware engine" for Node.js. Worth checking out their API.


Alberto asked about splitting JustSaying's publishing code out into a separate library. We agreed this could definitely give a better experience for usage within AWS Lambda scenarios, perhaps giving us the ability to have a library API that better suits that environment. Related: the new subscribe-by-ARN functionality can be helpful for Lambda, because the requirement to "startup" the library and build the infrastructure is no longer there.

Stu/George noted that the publish and subscribe functionality is quite tied together by types. Perhaps splitting out by middleware would be a good approach?

Action Items

Item Who Due Date