There are few scripts in package.json prepared for development (live watching changes), build (generating page for gh-pages, used for new version's testing) and deploy (creates version for production deployment on the server).
npm start
Starts live server with watching and bundling scss to css, and html (there are html partials used)
To build gh-pages (previev & testing version) it is only needed to build the current version:
npm run build
& push the changes in master branch
The build command will build current version to docs/ folder (if not changed in package.json > config > build folder) which is used by gh-pages
To build on production use:
npm run deploy
it creates development version (by default in folder deploy/DEPLOY_OUTPUT, it can be changed in package.json > config > deployOutputFolder)
It creates deployment version - content from DEPLOY_OUTPUT folder should be send to the production server.
Different from development & build versions - during the process - Google Analytics Tag is included in head section of the page (See more in part Google Analytics Tag below).
When the page is built with deploy script, at the end of it, you can find a comment like this:
<!-- DEPLOY 2019-10-30_11:54.742 -->
It shows when the version was build for production.
You can find defined folders in object:
"config": {
"liveFolder": "live", //folder for development live server
"buildFolder": "docs", //folder for preview & testing (on gh-pages, remember push on master branch)
"deployWorkingFolder": "deploy", //folder for deployment process - can't be erased
"deployOutputFolder": "deploy/DEPLOY_OUTPUT" //folder where you find the result for production deployment
It bundles html and css from scss, runs watching changes for both and starts live-server.
npm start
package.json -
- "start": prepares everything for live-server to watch changes during development - stores generated filed in /life folder - if not changed, source is in src/
- "live:pre": does the following:
- "live:pre:version": creates file with timestamp which will be added at the end of index.html
- "live:pre:mkdirs": creates folders for css, assets and favicon
- "live:pre:copy-assets": copies the whole content of img/
- "live:pre:copy-favicon": copies the whole content of favicon/
- "live:sass": compiles scss styles to style.css
- "live:sass:watch": compiles scss styles to style.css - watching live
- "live:html:watch": compiles html with partials to html - watching live
- "live:pre": does the following:
- "build": creates build version (preview and testing) for gh-pages, doing following:
- "build:pre": does the following:
- "build:pre:version": creates file with timestamp which will be added at the end of index.html
- "build:pre:clean": erases whole folder for build output
- "build:pre:mkdirs": creates folders for css, assets and favicon in build output folder
- "build:pre:copy-assets": copies the whole content of src/img/ to img/ in build output folder
- "build:pre:copy-favicon": copies the whole content of src/favicon/ to favicon/ in build output folder
- "build:css": does the following:
- "build:css:compile-sass": compiles scss styles to css in src/css
- "build:css:concat-css": concatenates css files (at the moment not in use)
- "build:css:autoprefix": adds autoprefixes
- "build:css:compress-css": compresses css and stores the result in the build output folder
- "build:html": includes partial html files from src and stores the result in the build output folder
- "build:pre": does the following:
Builds deploy version - ready to be uploaded on production server.
It adds special html partials prepared only for deployment version (from deploy/deploy_helpers/only_deploy_html_partials/ if not changed in folders' configuration ).
Currently used for adding Google Analytics Tag only in the production version.
Copies also all files from deploy/deploy_helpers/only_deploy_other to the root of the deployment output folder (used for .htaccess)
- "deploy": builds deploy version
- "deploy:pre": does the following:
- "deploy:pre:cleanOutpur": erases while folder for deploy build result
- "deploy:html": does the following:
- "deploy:html:mkdirs-temp": creates a temporary folder deployTemp to compile html with partials in it
- "deploy:html:copy-html": copies all html files (html and html partials *) from src folder (only, child folders not included) to the temporary folder
- "deploy:html:version-update": creates file with timestamp which will be added at the end of index.html - indicating that this is deployment version
- "deploy:html:copy-only-deploy-html": copies partials (and possible any other files) to be included only in development version (different versions were in build and development)
- "deploy:html:compile": includes partial html files from the temporary folder (including special 'only-deployment' partials) and stores the result in the deployment output folder - it is the final version of html file
- "deploy:html:clean-temp": deletes the temporary file as it is not needed anymore
- "deploy:css": does the following:
- "deploy:css:mkdirs": creates a css folder in the in the deployment output folder
- "deploy:css:compile-sass": compiles scss styles to css in src/css
- "deploy:css:concat-css": concatenates css files (at the moment not in use)
- "deploy:css:autoprefix": adds autoprefixes
- "deploy:css:compress-css": compresses css and finally stores the result in the deployment output folder
- "deploy:assets": makes copy of assets (img/) from src to the deployment output folder, following:
- "deploy:assets:mkdirs": creates folder for assets
- "deploy:assets:copy": copies the whole content of src/img/ to img/
- "deploy:favicon": makes copy of favicon folder from src to the deployment output folder, following:
- "deploy:favicon:mkdirs": creates folder
- "deploy:favicon:copy": copies favicon content
- "deploy:copy:only_deploy_other": copies all files from deploy/deploy_helpers/only_deploy_other to the root of the deployment output folder (used for .htaccess)
- "deploy:pre": does the following:
You can use html partials (similarly as scss partials) (html-include is used).
You can include it like this:
index.html -
If you want to include some partials only in production deployment version you can put the partial in deploy/deploy_helpers/only_deploy_html_partials/ and then include it in html:
index.html -
To work properly - there must be "placeholder" in a file with the same name in src/only_deploy_html_partials/ (otherwise there will be a script error during development/build)
To provide Google Analytics Tag - just store it in (as you copy it from GA) deploy/deploy_helpers/only_deploy_html_partials/_googleAnalytics.html
Automatically it will be added only in the production deployment version (built with npm run deployment
(You should also define "placeholder" for development and build versions in src/only_deploy_html_partials/_googleAnalytics.html)
To provide any files we want to include in deployment's version root folder - we store these files in deploy/deploy_helpers/only_deploy_other. The files will be copied automatically.
Now it is used for .htaccess