This tool is designed to build hardware accelerators, suitable for use in Xilinx Vivado HLS, from C code that has been produced by Jamaica Builder from aicas.
This work is part of the EU Seventh Framework project JUNIPER (
##Usage caicos is invoked by running the following:
python <configfile>
The format of the config file is described in An example is shown below:
outputdir = /Users/me/caicosout
jamaicaoutputdir = /Users/me/JamaicaGeneratedCode
fpgapart = xc7vx690tffg1761-2
jamaicatarget = /Users/me/jamaica/current32/target/linux-x86/include
signature = dataProcessing/
signature = dataProcessing/
signature = unitTests/Types.types(IFDLjava/lang/Float;Ljava/lang/Double;)D
For a more complete description of caicos and how it is operated, please see JUNIPER deliverable D2.5, which will be made public in the first quarter of 2016.