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Tsuyoku is a fitness tracking app that aids in logging gym sessions

Build Status

API Routes


  • POST: /login log user in with email, password ... or api_refresh_token


  • GET: /users/:id fetch user by id

  • GET: /users fetch a list of all users. accepts skip/limit

  • POST: /users create a new user and return

  • PUT: /users/:id requires authorization. edit existing user information. changing password should reset refresh_token

  • DEL: /users/:id requires authorization. delete existing user


  • GET: /workouts/:workoutId fetch specific workout. requires authentication, no authorization

  • GET: /workouts/byUser?userId=123&routine=5/3/1&type=bench_press&limit=1 fetch exercises for a given user. requires authorization. requires email. takes limit, sort (sortby_asc/desc), type.

  • POST: /workouts create a new workout. requires authorization.

  • [] PUT: /workouts/:workoutId edit an existing workout. requires authorization

  • [] DEL: /workouts/:workoutId requires authorization. delete existing workout


  • PUT: */guide returns workout guide based on routine (name, week, options) and 1rep maxes. info should be passed in, is not queried (user agnostic).

  • 5/3/1

  • 5/3/1 - boring but big


success (200)

    success: true,
    data: data

fail (400, 500)

    success: false,
    error: message


  • when doing async mocha tests, you need to catch expect errors and fire the done() callback to avoid timeouts

  • 404 if a specific id is queried and not found. 200 if query for a list of results and an empty array is returned

  • Mongoose re-indexes after creates. you need to ensureIndexes() on the Model to make sure uniques stay unique.

  • Only send a new api_access_token on requests that require authorization

  • user tries and token is expired and fails, (user logs in and receives a new access token || user has a refresh_token stored in the app and uses that to get a new access token), user tries api call again, token passes, api call succeeds.

  • factories clean/validate data (do we have enough data?) before it is is saved by mongoose model, which does pre-save event (hash pw, update timestamps)


  • add total weight for a workout
  • add total weight lifetime
  • add percentage of weight lifted for a session (client)
  • add calories eaten vs. daily goal )
  • add time required to exercise on treadmill to make up for excess calories eaten (client)
  • add US standards for matching height/weight/sex vs workout PRs. (add archived PRS to user collection)
  • enable admin setting admin|paid status on other users
  • refactor auth to use middleware :)


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