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bhimmetoglu committed Oct 5, 2016
1 parent 1ad6c96 commit 385fe36
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Showing 3 changed files with 351 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions TalkingData/
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Data can be downloaded from [Kaggle](
199 changes: 199 additions & 0 deletions TalkingData/brandModelAppid.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
# Burak Himmetoglu
# begin: 08-03-2016
# Talking Data, blahblah
# Libraries

# Setwd

# Get data
train <- fread("../data/gender_age_train.csv", colClasses=c("character","character","integer","character"))
test <- fread("../data/gender_age_test.csv",colClasses=c("character"))

# Add NA's to group, age and gender for label test
test[,c("gender","age","group"):= NA]

# Combine test & train
full_data <- rbind(train,test)
rm(test,train); gc() # Remove unnecessary data. Test can be reconstructed by

# Get phone brands and models
brand_model <- fread("../data/phone_brand_device_model.csv",colClasses=c("character","character","character"))

# Unique entries in brand_model
brand_model <- unique(brand_model,by=NULL) # Unique entries

# Combine phone_brand and device_model
brand_model <- brand_model[,brand_model := paste(phone_brand,device_model,sep="-")]
brand_model <- brand_model[, brand_model := as.factor(brand_model)]
levs <- levels(brand_model[,brand_model]); n.levs <- length(levs)

# Change the levels of brand_model to numeric values
levels(brand_model$brand_model) <- 0:(n.levs-1)

# Remove uunnecessary columns
brand_model <- brand_model[,c("phone_brand", "device_model") := NULL]

# Merge full_data and brand_model
brand_model_group <- merge(full_data, brand_model, by = "device_id", all.x = TRUE)
rm(full_data,brand_model); gc() # Remove data that is not needed

# Duplicated device_id's
dupl <- duplicated(brand_model_group$device_id); dupl_id <- brand_model_group[dupl,device_id]
dupl_data <- brand_model_group[device_id %in% dupl_id,]

# For the duplicated id's, choose the one with the brand that has more phones in the data
ind.rm <- c()
for (ind in 1:(dim(dupl_data)[1]/2)){
i <- (ind-1)*2 + 1
i1 <- brand_model_group[brand_model == dupl_data$brand_model[i],]
i2 <- brand_model_group[brand_model == dupl_data$brand_model[i+1],]
dim1 <- length(i1[,brand_model]); dim2 <- length(i2[,brand_model])
iz <- ifelse(dim1 > dim2,2,1) # Choose the brand_model with smaller phones to remove
l.rm <- brand_model_group$device_id == dupl_id[ind] & brand_model_group$brand_model == dupl_data[iz+(ind-1)*2,brand_model]
ind.rm <- c(ind.rm, which(l.rm == TRUE))
rm(i1,i2,iz,dim1,dim2,dupl_data,dupl,dupl_id); gc() # Remove unused data

# Remove duplicated data
brand_model_group <- brand_model_group[-ind.rm,]

# Read apps data
events <- fread("../data/events.csv", colClasses=c("character","character","character","numeric","numeric"))
event_app <- fread("../data/app_events.csv",colClasses=rep("character",4))

# Labels
#app_labels <- fread("../data/app_labels.csv", colClasses = c("character","integer"))
#label_categories <- fread("../data/label_categories.csv")

# Get unique events for device_id - event_id combination, and subset with (device_id,event_id)
events <- unique(events[,.(device_id,event_id)],by=NULL)

# Join app_labels and event_app (is this useful?)
#N_app_label <- app_labels[,.N,by="app_id"] # How many of different labels does an app belong to ?

# For each event_id, list unique app_id's s separated by commas
event_apps <- event_app[,.(apps=paste(unique(app_id),collapse=",")),by="event_id"]

# Combine this with events
device_event_apps <- merge(events,event_apps,by="event_id")

# For each app by device_id get unique apps (Notice that now we group_by device_id not event_id!)
f_split_paste <- function(z){paste(unique(unlist(strsplit(z,","))),collapse=",")}
device_apps <- device_event_apps[,.(apps=f_split_paste(apps)),by="device_id"]


# Spread the data (device_id, app_id in many rows)
tmp <- strsplit(device_apps$apps,",") # Temporary list for storage apps (i.e. their IDs). Contains 60822 lists

# device_id and app_is spread
device_apps <- data.table(device_id=rep(device_apps$device_id,times=sapply(tmp,length)),app_id=unlist(tmp))

# Combine the brand_model_group data and the device_apps data
d1 <- brand_model_group[,list(device_id,brand_model)]
brand_model_group$brand_model <- NULL
d2 <- device_apps

# Initiate factor variables
names(d1) <- names(d2) <- c("device_id","feature_name") # Just rename

# Combine
dd <- rbind(d1,d2)

# Find unique device_id's and spread the features
ii <- unique(dd$device_id)
jj <- unique(dd$feature_name)

# Locations of unique entries in dd
id_i <- match(dd$device_id,ii) # max(id_i) = length(ii)
id_j <- match(dd$feature_name,jj) # max(id_j) = length(jj)

# Collect the locations
id_ij <- cbind(id_i,id_j)

# Initiate matrix for storage (dimensions are unique entries in device_id and feature_names)
M <- Matrix(0,nrow=length(ii),ncol=length(jj),

# At locations where elements are, put 1: Factor variables
M[id_ij] <- 1
# Notice that dim(id_ij) > dim(M). However, indices in id_ij are repeated ( max(id_i) = length(ii) & max(id_j) = length(jj) )
# meaning that no offshoot of matrix M indices can occur

# M has device_id's in rows and phone_brands in cols

# Some more wrangling
x <- M[rownames(M) %in% brand_model_group$device_id,] # Subset rows of M so that it matches brand_model$device_id
id <- brand_model_group$device_id #[match(label1$device_id,rownames(x))]
y <- brand_model_group$group #[match(label1$device_id,rownames(x))]

# Training data
x_train <- x[!,] # Y has NAs for test set

# Remove some features
tmp_cnt_train <- colSums(x_train)

# Subset features that are not completely zero (tmp_cnt_train>0)
x <- x[,tmp_cnt_train>0]

### XGBoost test ####

# Train model

# Label names
group_name <- na.omit(unique(y))

# Train and test data
idx_train <- which(!
idx_test <- which(
train_data <- x[idx_train,]
test_data <- x[idx_test,]

# Assing labels (numeric)
train_label <- match(y[idx_train],group_name)-1
test_label <- match(y[idx_test],group_name)-1

# XGBoost style matrices
dtrain <- xgb.DMatrix(train_data,label=train_label,missing=NA)
dtest <- xgb.DMatrix(test_data,label=test_label,missing=NA)

param <- list(booster="gbtree",
max_depth = 3,
subsample = 0.7,
colsample_bytree = 0.7)

# Train
watchlist <- list(train=dtrain)
fit_xgb <- xgb.train(params=param,
# Predict
pred <- predict(fit_xgb,dtest) # Contains prepdictions of 1112071 observations. It is a vector of dim 12*112071
# Has to be rolled back to a matrix (12,112071)
pred_detail <- t(matrix(pred,nrow=length(group_name)))

res_submit <- cbind(id=id[idx_test],
colnames(res_submit) <- c("device_id",group_name)
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions TalkingData/explore_v0.1.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
# Burak Himmetoglu
# begin: 07-25-2016
# Talking Data, exploration and simple predictions
# Computes conditional probabilities P(group|brand) for test and train
# The saved data can be used as features in a later modeling study
# Libraries

# Global define

# Load data
train <- read.table("./data/gender_age_train.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE, sep = ",",
colClasses = c("character", "character", "integer", "character")) # Training data

train <- train %>% mutate(group = as.factor(group))

# Probability of a random device belonging to age-gender groups
prob_group <- train %>% group_by(group) %>% summarize(tot_by_group = n()) %>%
mutate(prob_group = tot_by_group / sum(tot_by_group))

# Phone brand data
phone_brand_device_model <- read.table("./data/phone_brand_device_model.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE,
sep = ",", colClasses = c("character","character","character"))

# Get distinct values
# This does not remove duplicated device_id's
phone_brand_device_model <- phone_brand_device_model %>% distinct()

## Most popular brands by each age/gender group ##
## We only need train and phone_brand_device_model for this ##

# Connect train and phone_brand_device_model
joint_train_brand <- left_join(train,phone_brand_device_model, by="device_id") %>% mutate(group = as.factor(group)) %>% mutate(phone_brand = as.factor(phone_brand))

# There is one duplicated device_id in joint_train_brand
dupl <- duplicated(joint_train_brand$device_id); dupl_id <- joint_train_brand[dupl,1]
dupl_train <- filter(joint_train_brand, device_id == dupl_id)

# For the duplicated id's, choose the one with the brand that has more phones in the data
dim1 <- filter(phone_brand_device_model, phone_brand == dupl_train$phone_brand[1]) %>% select(phone_brand) %>% dim()
dim2 <- filter(phone_brand_device_model, phone_brand == dupl_train$phone_brand[2]) %>% select(phone_brand) %>% dim()
iz <- ifelse(dim1[1] > dim2[1], 2, 1) # dim2[1] is larger

# Remove from train the entry corressponding to dupl_train[1,]
ind.rm <- joint_train_brand$device_id %in% dupl_id & joint_train_brand$phone_brand == dupl_train[iz,5]
ind.rm <- which(ind.rm == TRUE)
joint_train_brand <- joint_train_brand[-ind.rm, ]

# Group_by: group and phone_brand
n_train_brand <- ungroup(joint_train_brand) %>% group_by(group,phone_brand) %>% summarise(tot_by_group_brand = n())

# Total number of phones (all brands)
tot_phones <- sum(n_train_brand$tot_by_group_brand) # Should be equal to dim(train)[1]
if (DEBUG_FLAG){ if (tot_phones != dim(train)[1]) { print("Wrong dimensions!") } }

# Find probability of each brand
prob_brand <- ungroup(n_train_brand) %>% group_by(phone_brand) %>% summarise(tot_brand = sum(tot_by_group_brand)) %>% # Tot phones per brand
mutate(prob_brand = tot_brand/tot_phones) # Prob of each brand

# Find conditional probability P(group|brand) by Bayes' theorem:
## Join with prob_group & prob_brand then compute conditional probability:
## P(group|brand) = P(brand|group)*P(group)/P(brand)
## ## P(brand|group) = tot_by_group_brand / tot_by_group
## ## P(group) = prob_group & P(brand) = prob_brand
n_train_brand <- ungroup(n_train_brand) %>% left_join(prob_group, by = "group") %>%
left_join(prob_brand, by = "phone_brand") %>%
mutate(cond_prob = (tot_by_group_brand/tot_by_group) * prob_group / prob_brand)

# Just select the relevant columns
cond_group_brand <- select(n_train_brand,c(group,phone_brand,cond_prob))

# Spread the data: group becomes columns
P_brand_grp <- spread(cond_group_brand,group,cond_prob, fill = 0.0) # fill = 0.0 better than below

# The probabilities must sum to 1
which(round(rowSums(P_brand_grp[,-1]),4) != 1)

# Join with train and save for later
joint_train_prob <- joint_train_brand %>% left_join(P_brand_grp, by = "phone_brand") %>%
select(-c(gender,age,group, device_model,phone_brand))
save(joint_train_prob, file = "train_P.group_brand.RData")

## Given the conditional probability, we can compute for each given device_id, what probability each group has

# Read the test data
test <- read.table("./data/gender_age_test.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE, sep = ",",
colClasses = c("character"))

# Join with brand
joint_test_brand <- left_join(test,phone_brand_device_model, by = "device_id") %>% mutate(phone_brand = as.factor(phone_brand))
joint_test_brand$device_model <- NULL # device model not included in analysis
joint_test_brand <- distinct(joint_test_brand) # Keep disticnt rows

# Check for duplicated device_id's
dupl <- duplicated(joint_test_brand$device_id); dupl_id <- joint_test_brand[dupl,1]
dupl_test <- filter(joint_test_brand, device_id %in% dupl_id)

# For the duplicated id's, choose the one with the brand that has more phones in the data
ind.rm <- c()
for (ind in 1:(dim(dupl_test)[1]/2)){
i <- (ind-1)*2 + 1
dim1 <- filter(phone_brand_device_model, phone_brand == dupl_test$phone_brand[i]) %>% select(phone_brand) %>% dim()
dim2 <- filter(phone_brand_device_model, phone_brand == dupl_test$phone_brand[i+1]) %>% select(phone_brand) %>% dim()
iz <- ifelse(dim1[1] > dim2[1], 2, 1) # Choose the brand with smaller phones to remove
l.rm <- joint_test_brand$device_id == dupl_id[ind] & joint_test_brand$phone_brand == dupl_test[iz+(ind-1)*2,2]
ind.rm <- c(ind.rm, which(l.rm == TRUE))

# Finish by removing the repeated elements
joint_test_brand <- joint_test_brand[-ind.rm, ]

# Fill the NA's with 0:
fill_na <- function(column){
column[] <- 0
# Join with P_brand_grp to get probabilities
joint_test_prob <- left_join(joint_test_brand,P_brand_grp, by = "phone_brand") %>%
joint_test_prob$phone_brand <- NULL

# There are device_id's with all zero probs, since their brands are not in training set. Put these a value from p_group
l.0 <- which(rowSums(joint_test_prob[,-1]) == 0)
for (ind in 1:length(l.0)){
for (i in 2:13){
joint_test_prob[l.0[ind], i] <- prob_group$prob_group[i-1]
# Save for later
save(joint_test_prob, file = "test_P.group_brand.RData")

## Benchmark with prob_group ##
joint_prob_bench <- matrix(0, nrow=112071, ncol=12)
for (ind in 1:12){
joint_prob_bench[,ind] <- prob_group$prob_group[ind]
grp.names <- as.character(prob_group$group)
joint_prob_bench <- cbind(test, joint_prob_bench)
colnames(joint_prob_bench) <- c("device_id",grp.names)

# Write a submission file
write.csv(joint_test_prob, file='submission_phone-brand.csv', row.names=FALSE, quote = FALSE)
write.csv(joint_prob_bench, file='submission_group-bench.csv', row.names=FALSE, quote = FALSE)

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