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bhimmetoglu committed Feb 19, 2016
1 parent 9c60460 commit 0483eb6
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 0 deletions.
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions titanic/clean.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
# Function for cleaning training data
library(dplyr); library(stringr) <- function (train, test){
# Cleans and processes the training and testing sets (input are data.frames)

##### TRAIN ####
train <- mutate(train, Survived = factor(Survived))

# Replace missing embark locations with the maximum
if (nrow(train[train$Embarked == "", ]) > 0){
df.emb <-$Embarked))
max.emb <- as.character(df.emb[which.max(df.emb[,2]),1])
train[train$Embarked == "", ]$Embarked <- max.emb

# Get missing age information from Titles
titles <- character(length = nrow(train))
for (i in 1:nrow(train)){
temp <- strsplit(as.character(train$Name[i]), split="\\.")[[1]][1]
titles[i] <- str_trim(strsplit(temp, split = ",")[[1]][2], "left")
# New data frame with a column = title
tr2 <- mutate(train, Title = as.factor(titles))

# Find the median of the ages of passangers by Title
uniq.titles <- unique(titles)
med.ages <- data.frame(Title = uniq.titles, Med.Age = 0)
for (ind in 1:length(uniq.titles)){
med.ages[ind,2] <- median(tr2[tr2$Title == uniq.titles[ind], ]$Age, na.rm = TRUE)
# Check for na's and replace with medians <- nrow(tr2[$Age) & tr2$Title == uniq.titles[ind], ])
if ( > 0){
tr2[$Age) & tr2$Title == uniq.titles[ind], ]$Age <- med.ages[ind,2]

# Compute the median Fares for each Pclass
m3 <- median(tr2[tr2$Pclass == 3, ]$Fare)
m2 <- median(tr2[tr2$Pclass == 2, ]$Fare)
m1 <- median(tr2[tr2$Pclass == 1, ]$Fare)

# Save the Passanger ID's of passangers with missing Fares for each Pclass
cl3 <- tr2[tr2$Fare == 0 & tr2$Pclass == 3,]$PassengerId
cl2 <- tr2[tr2$Fare == 0 & tr2$Pclass == 2,]$PassengerId
cl1 <- tr2[tr2$Fare == 0 & tr2$Pclass == 1,]$PassengerId

# Put median Fares for missing ones
for (i in seq(1,length(cl3)) ) { tr2[tr2$PassengerId == cl3[i], ]$Fare <- m3 }
for (i in seq(1,length(cl2)) ) { tr2[tr2$PassengerId == cl2[i], ]$Fare <- m2 }
for (i in seq(1,length(cl1)) ) { tr2[tr2$PassengerId == cl1[i], ]$Fare <- m1 }

# Number of family members (SibSp & Parch)
tr2 <- mutate(tr2, fam.size = Parch + SibSp)

# Create a factor variable: 1/0 passanger (has)/(has not) cabininfo
tr2 <- mutate(tr2, binaryCabin = 1)
tr2[tr2$Cabin == "", ]$binaryCabin = 0
tr2 <- mutate(tr2, binaryCabin = factor(binaryCabin))

##### TEST ####
# In test data, passangers in rows 267 and 373 has 0 Fare and they are in Pclass 1
# Row 153 has NA in Pclass 3
test[267, 9] <- m1; test[373, 9] <- m1; test[153, 9] <- m3

# Get all the titles in test data
titles <- character(length = nrow(test))
for (i in 1:nrow(test)){
temp <- strsplit(as.character(test$Name[i]), split="\\.")[[1]][1]
titles[i] <- str_trim(strsplit(temp, split = ",")[[1]][2], "left")
# New data frame with a column = title
ts2 <- mutate(test, Title = as.factor(titles))

#Replce NA's with median age (this comes from train)
uniq.titles <- unique(titles)
for (ind in 1:length(uniq.titles)){
# Check for na's and replace with medians <- nrow(ts2[$Age) & ts2$Title == uniq.titles[ind], ])
if ( > 0){
med.age <- med.ages[med.ages$Title == uniq.titles[ind], ]$Med.Age
ts2[$Age) & ts2$Title == uniq.titles[ind], ]$Age <- med.age

# Number of family members (SibSp & Parch)
ts2 <- mutate(ts2, fam.size = Parch + SibSp)

# Create a factor variable: 1/0 passanger (has)/(has not) cabininfo
ts2 <- mutate(ts2, binaryCabin = 1)
ts2[ts2$Cabin == "", ]$binaryCabin = 0
ts2 <- mutate(ts2, binaryCabin = factor(binaryCabin))

# Return the data.frames tr2 and ts2

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