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Debug random number generator, and condense documentation of population
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segmentation constants
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s-s-zhang committed May 15, 2017
1 parent fd940c4 commit 53b067b
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Showing 71 changed files with 1,441 additions and 681 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ChangeLog
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
2017-05-08: Google <[email protected]>
* Version 1.0.0
* Initial commit.
2017-05-15: Google <[email protected]>
* Version 1.0.0
* Initial commit.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: amss
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2017-05-07
Date: 2017-05-15
Title: Agreggate Marketing System Simulator
Author: Google Inc. <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Google Inc. <[email protected]>
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2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,11 @@ export(DefaultNatMigModule)
Expand Down
83 changes: 44 additions & 39 deletions R/attribution.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,12 +42,18 @@ utils::globalVariables(c("pop", "revenue", "rep.index", "V1", "total.spend"))
#' the modified budget periods in order to include lagged effects in the
#' calculation.
#' @param scaled.pop.size \code{CalculateROAS} scales up the population size to
#' reduce the variability of its estimates. This number should be chosen
#' to be as large as possible while avoiding integer overflow during
#' data simulation.
#' reduce the variability of its estimates. This is equivalent to running
#' the simulation for multiple repetitions to reduce variability. The
#' default value should provide sufficient accuracy in most use cases.
#' Extremely large values may result in numerical issues.
#' @param min.reps integer representing the initial number of datasets to
#' generate from each budget setting. A reasonable number of initial
#' datasets is needed to estimate the amount of variability accurately
#' generate from each budget setting. The default value of 2 allows the user
#' to make a rough check that the accuracy is indeed good under the chosen
#' settings. This default was chosen under the assumption that the default
#' \code{scaled.pop.size} is large enough to accurately measure ROAS using 1
#' repetition, with the 2nd being used as confirmation of the accuracy. Higher
#' precision and more accurate measurement of the precision can be achieved
#' with more repetitions.
#' @param max.coef.var numeric, the target coefficient of variation. The
#' function takes additional samples of the ROAS until it runs out of
#' time, attains the target coefficient of variation, or attains the
Expand All @@ -60,7 +66,9 @@ utils::globalVariables(c("pop", "revenue", "rep.index", "V1", "total.spend"))
#' function from taking additional samples beyond the initial sample
#' generated according to \code{min.reps}. The function takes additional
#' samples of the ROAS until it runs out of time, attains the target
#' coefficient of variation, or attains the target margin of error.
#' coefficient of variation, or attains the target margin of error. The
#' default value of 0 forces the function to use precisely \code{min.reps}
#' repetitions.
#' @param verbose boolean. If TRUE, output measures of the accuracy of the
#' reported ROAS, including the full sample of ROAS values.
#' @return numeric value for ROAS, or, if \code{verbose = TRUE}, a list with
Expand All @@ -76,9 +84,9 @@ CalculateROAS <- function(
budget.proportion = rep(0, length(media.names)),
t.start = 1,
t.end = object$params$time.n,
scaled.pop.size = .Machine$integer.max / 100,
min.reps = 10,
max.coef.var = 0.01, max.margin.error = 0.01, max.time = 30,
scaled.pop.size = 1e18,
min.reps = 2,
max.coef.var = 0.01, max.margin.error = 0.01, max.time = 0,
verbose = FALSE) {

if (is.null(object$params$media.names) ||
Expand All @@ -91,11 +99,11 @@ CalculateROAS <- function(
assertthat::assert_that(inherits(object, "amss.sim"))

# Get the original budget settings.
orig.budget <- .GetBudget(object)
orig.budget <- GetBudget(object)

# Check the other parameters.
if (!is.null(new.budget)) {
assertthat::assert_that(dim(new.budget) == dim(orig.budget))
assertthat::assert_that(all(dim(new.budget) == dim(orig.budget)))
assertthat::assert_that(all(media.names %in% object$params$media.names))
assertthat::assert_that(all(budget.periods >= 1))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,26 +131,26 @@ CalculateROAS <- function(
# Modified the object with an updated population size, to reduce runtime.
# Note that, since only values in column "pop" affect the values in the
# regenerated data. That is the only column that needs updating.
scaled.pop.size <- as.integer(scaled.pop.size)
orig.pop <- .GetPopulation(object)
pop.multiplier <- scaled.pop.size / orig.pop
orig.pop <- GetPopulation(object)
mod.object <- data.table::copy(object)
function(dt) dt[, pop := .AdjustPopulation(pop, scaled.pop.size)])
function(dt) dt[, pop := AdjustPopulation(pop, scaled.pop.size)])
scaled.pop.size <- mod.object$data.full[[1]][, sum(pop)]
pop.multiplier <- scaled.pop.size / orig.pop
mod.object$params$nat.mig.params$population <- scaled.pop.size

# Generate data from counterfactual budget settings.
start.time <- Sys.time() <- .GenerateDataUnderNewBudget( <- GenerateDataUnderNewBudget(
mod.object, new.budget * pop.multiplier,
reps = min.reps, t.start = t.start, t.end = t.end)
# Generate more data from the original budget settings to average out noise. <- .GenerateDataUnderNewBudget( <- GenerateDataUnderNewBudget(
mod.object, orig.budget * pop.multiplier,
reps = min.reps, t.start = t.start, t.end = t.end)

# Calculate the ROAS based on the current sample.
roas.sample <- .CalculateSampleROAS(,
roas.sample <- CalculateSampleROAS(,
# Get the estimate.
roas.est <- mean(roas.sample)
# Get its precision as a standard error.
Expand All @@ -168,14 +176,14 @@ CalculateROAS <- function(
print(paste("Running additional sample", counter, "for more accuracy."))
print(paste(round(difftime(Sys.time(), start.time, units = "mins")),
"minutes elapsed.")) <- .GenerateDataUnderNewBudget( <- GenerateDataUnderNewBudget(
object = mod.object, new.budget = new.budget * pop.multiplier,
t.start = t.start, t.end = t.end) <- .GenerateDataUnderNewBudget( <- GenerateDataUnderNewBudget(
object = mod.object, new.budget = orig.budget * pop.multiplier,
t.start = t.start, t.end = t.end)
roas.sample <- c(roas.sample,
roas.est <- mean(roas.sample)
roas.standard.error <- sd(roas.sample) / sqrt(length(roas.sample))
roas.margin.error <- roas.standard.error * qt(0.975, length(roas.sample))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,8 +217,9 @@ CalculateROAS <- function(
#' match.
#' @return vector of ROAS estimates from each pair of sample datasets in dt1
#' and dt2.
#' @keywords internal

.CalculateSampleROAS <- function(dt1, dt2) {
CalculateSampleROAS <- function(dt1, dt2) {

return((dt1[, sum(revenue), by = rep.index][, V1] -
dt2[, sum(revenue), by = rep.index][, V1]) /
Expand All @@ -233,10 +242,11 @@ CalculateROAS <- function(
#' @param t.start time point at which to start generating new data
#' @param t.end time point at which to stop generating new data
#' @return The list of all generated datasets or a vector of averaged values.
#' @keywords internal

.GenerateDataUnderNewBudget <- function(
GenerateDataUnderNewBudget <- function(
new.budget = .GetBudget(object),
new.budget = GetBudget(object),
response.metric = NULL,
reps = 1,
t.start = 1,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,37 +278,32 @@ CalculateROAS <- function(
# Generate data. <- lapply(
function(r) .SurfaceData(`.SimulateData`, new.params[formalArgs(`.SimulateData`)]),
function(r) SurfaceData(`SimulateData`, new.params[formalArgs(`SimulateData`)]),
new.params$names.agg.sum)[, rep.index := r]) <- rbindlist(
if (is.null(response.metric)) {
} else {
eval(.ParseT(paste0("mean(", response.metric, ")"))),
by = c("time.index", "geo.index")][, V1])
eval(ParseT(paste0("mean(", response.metric, ")"))),
by = "time.index"][, V1])

#' Adjust population vector to a new total
#' Adjust population proportionally to a new total population size, rounding
#' by the largest remainder method
#' Adjust population proportionally to a new total population size, rounding up
#' when necessary.
#' @param orig.pop original population vector
#' @param new total population size
#' @return new population vector of class integer
#' @keywords internal

.AdjustPopulation <- function(orig.pop, {
AdjustPopulation <- function(orig.pop, {

pop.multiplier <- / sum(orig.pop)
precise.pop <- orig.pop * pop.multiplier
quotient.pop <- floor(precise.pop)
remainder.pop <- precise.pop - quotient.pop
round.up.idx <- order(
decreasing = TRUE)[1:( - sum(quotient.pop))]
return(as.integer(quotient.pop + (1:length(quotient.pop) %in% round.up.idx)))
pop.multiplier <- ceiling( / sum(orig.pop))
return(orig.pop * pop.multiplier)
27 changes: 15 additions & 12 deletions R/migrate.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ utils::globalVariables(c("pop", "", "pop.out"))
#' transition matrix whose dimensionality matches the number of states
#' in vector.counts is used.
#' @return number of individuals in each state after migration
#' @keywords internal

.ApplyTransitionMatrix <- function(vector.counts, transition.matrices) {
ApplyTransitionMatrix <- function(vector.counts, transition.matrices) {

# Given a transition matrix, simulate the migration process.
if (!is.list(transition.matrices)) {
Expand All @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ utils::globalVariables(c("pop", "", "pop.out"))
migrated.pop <- integer(length(vector.counts))
for (iter in 1:length(vector.counts)) {
migrated.pop <- migrated.pop +
drop(rmultinom(1, vector.counts[iter], transition.matrices[iter, ]))
drop(RMultinom(1, vector.counts[iter], transition.matrices[iter, ]))

# Return new population segmentation.
Expand All @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ utils::globalVariables(c("pop", "", "pop.out"))
num.states <- sapply(transition.matrices, nrow)
transition.matrix <-
transition.matrices[[match(length(vector.counts), num.states)]]
return(.ApplyTransitionMatrix(vector.counts, transition.matrix))
return(ApplyTransitionMatrix(vector.counts, transition.matrix))

#' Simulate migration in a single dimension of population segmentation.
Expand All @@ -73,10 +74,11 @@ utils::globalVariables(c("pop", "", "pop.out"))
#' kAllStates.
#' @param transition.matrix transition matrix specifying probabilities of
#' migration between states.
#' @return invisible(NULL). data.dt is updated by reference.
#' @return \code{invisible(NULL)}. \code{data.dt} is updated by reference.
#' @keywords internal

.MigrateMarginal <- function(data.dt, migrating.pop.size,
migration.dim, transition.matrix) {
MigrateMarginal <- function(data.dt, migrating.pop.size,
migration.dim, transition.matrix) {

# Check input.
func.env <- environment()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,7 +125,7 @@ utils::globalVariables(c("pop", "", "pop.out"))
changing.dimensions <- migration.dim
data.dt[, := .ApplyTransitionMatrix(pop.out, transition.matrices), := ApplyTransitionMatrix(pop.out, transition.matrices),
by = eval(setdiff(key(data.dt), changing.dimensions))]
data.dt[, pop := pop - pop.out +]
Expand All @@ -141,19 +143,20 @@ utils::globalVariables(c("pop", "", "pop.out"))
#' @param migration.dims a character vector of dimensions of migration, by
#' name.
#' @param transition.matrices a list of transition matrices for each dimension.
#' @return invisible(NULL). data.dt is updated by reference.
#' @return \code{invisible(NULL)}. \code{data.dt} is updated by reference.
#' @keywords internal

.MigrateMultiple <- function(data.dt, migrating.pop.size,
migration.dims = character(),
transition.matrices = list()) {
MigrateMultiple <- function(data.dt, migrating.pop.size,
migration.dims = character(),
transition.matrices = list()) {

# Check input.
stopifnot(length(transition.matrices) == length(migration.dims))

# Perform each migration in sequence.
if (length(migration.dims) > 0) {
for (iter.dim in 1:length(migration.dims)) {
.MigrateMarginal(data.dt, migrating.pop.size, migration.dims[iter.dim],
MigrateMarginal(data.dt, migrating.pop.size, migration.dims[iter.dim],
migrating.pop.size <- data.dt[,]
Expand Down

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