Studies for LLP triggers using timing in low-HT events
Specify '--recurse-submodules' when cloning, or remember to init+update the submodules Delphes should show the tag '3.4.2' and Pythia 'pythia8235'
cd Pythia
make -j9
cd ../Delphes
patch -p1 < ../Delphes.patch
make HAS_PYTHIA8=true -j9
cd ..
For local runs of Delphes source
, for all the analysis plots source
Generate individual events to overlay
cd run_condor
condor_submit condorSubmit.sub #send 1000 jobs x 6000 events
# wait for jobs
cd ../Delphes
./root2pileup ../LLPtrigger_samples/Minbias.pileup ../LLPtrigger_samples/Minbias.10220229*
#at this point can remove the individual Minbias files
cd ../run_condor
#make sure the delphes card points to the correct Minbias.pileup file within Delphes/cards/delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp.tcl
condor_submit condorSubmitWithPU.sub #send 1000 jobs x 1000 events
hadd MinbiasWithPU55.root MinbiasWithPU55.10220303.*
#remove the individual files
The minbias+PU file can be used to verify the trigger rates. The single jet rates are prety decent but 4J15 is clearly off.
cd Analysis
This is not strictly needed, and not fully correct since I don't do the proper Pythia matching. It's only useful to have a sample with higher pT spectrum to derive later on the truth2reco calibration
cd Delphes
#check the LHE file within examples/Pythia8/configLHE.cmnd
./DelphesPythia8 cards/delphes_card_ATLAS_PileUp.tcl examples/Pythia8/configLHE.cmnd ../LLPtrigger_samples/n3n4_1TeVsquark_150gev_showerLHE_withPU55.20k.root
#set showered file as input for
The output plots are the truth-reco calibration and relative resolution
cd Analysis
#check the plot h2d.png, should show something like a -4 GeV offset between truth and reco
#check the plot L1Jfit.png, should show a good fit to the turn-on curves
#the four fitted parameters are the calibration constants (reco pT to L1 pT) and the values of the smearing function
#those should be ported to and convertL1Jet.C
#Analysis plots The analysis works on DAOD_TRUTH3 for any signal sample. Select the signal in the map at the top of the file
cd Analysis