- Data: SPY index daily log return (2008 - 2024)
- Prediction: 1 day and 30 day volatility
- First, an AR(1) model is fitted and partialled out from the log return. Then, a window approach is used to ensure that prediction (1 day and 30-day) at each step is made by a model trained on the same quantity of samples. The GARCH model is fitted to the window and used for prediction. Point estimates of the model parameters are obtained.
- Repeat the above procedure via bootstrapping the innovation terms. Also repeat the procedure by sampling the standardised innovation terms from a normal distribution. Construct prediction interval using these sets of model parameter estimates.
- Compare coverage ratio.
The bootstrap method provides prediction intervals that gave a higher coverage ratio compared to resampling the innovation terms from a normal distribution. The technique of bootstrap can also test for the misspecification of the GARCH model.
See report for details and citations.