The goal of ariExtra
is to provide leverages the ari
’ package and
other tools to create automated courses from slides and a script.
You can install ariExtra
from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
id = "1Opt6lv7rRi7Kzb9bI0u3SWX1pSz1k7botaphTuFYgNs"
res = gs_to_ari(id, verbose = FALSE, voice = "Joanna", service = "amazon", open = FALSE)
head(readLines(res$output_file), 20)
#> [1] "---"
#> [2] "output:"
#> [3] " ariExtra::ari_document:"
#> [4] " voice: Joanna"
#> [5] " service: amazon"
#> [6] " verbose: no"
#> [7] "---"
#> [8] ""
#> [9] ""
#> [10] "----------"
#> [11] ""
#> [12] "<!--Lean pub created a mook platform. We want to discuss some options for creating courses with Lean pub at Johns Hopkins.-->"
#> [13] ""
#> [14] ""
#> [15] ""
#> [16] "----------"
#> [17] ""
#> [18] "<!--Here is an example of the way Lean pub turns text into an output course. The left hand side is written in a markdown format called Markua.-->"
#> [19] ""
#> [20] ""