Extract slides out of videos
You need to have ffmpeg installed & in path. I've noticed some inconsistencies between ffmpeg versions. Please use v3.0
Build a docker container for tensorflow server using the provided Dockerfile
cd docker
docker build --pull -t $USER/slide_detection_server -f ./Dockerfile.devel .
Install the required python dependencies
# Create a new env using virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# install required python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the container for tensorflow you have created
# attach the project dir as a volume to the container
docker run -p 9000:9000 -v PROJECT_DIR:/app $USER/slide_detection_server tensorflow_model_server --port=9000 --model_name=inception --model_base_path=/app/checkpoints
# just run this script and pass it the video url
# the detected slides are stored in the detected_slides folder
python detect.py --url URL_TO_YOUTUBE_VIDEO
Import some data to train the network.
# The script downloads a bunch of youtube videos & serialzes them into bin
# vidoes stored in /data and training data in /images
# modify this script if you want to change data used to train the network
python import_data.py
Train the network
python image_retraining/retrain.py --image_dir images