MenuForms- Hamburger Menu Xamarin Form Framework Xamarin menu can be considered as a Starter Kit helps you get started with Xamarin Forms. It contains a bunch of helpful boilerplate stuff - things like navigation, animation, services, and even a Hamburger control.
- Windows 10
- [Visual Studio 2017] (Upgraded from 2015 removed
MenuForms.WinPhone & MenuForms.Windowsfolders)
Download or clone the repository. Rebuild the solution to get all neccesary NuGet packages.
If you see build issues when pulling updates from the repo, try cleaning and rebuilding the solution.
Navigate to Xamarin-Menu/MenuForms/MenuForms/DataServices/AuthenticationService.cs
For easier switching between Login and Home screen change the value of public bool IsAuthenticated => true;
Where False -> Login
and True -> Home
Once you are familiar with code you can remove public bool IsAuthenticated => true;
and uncomment public bool IsAuthenticated => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.AccessToken);
Now you just need to update Settings.AccessToken to true if you want logged in state to persist through out usage of app.
This project has been greatly inspired by Template10 & BikeSharing
Will be adding a Wiki documentation once I get time.
Till then EAT, DRINK, CODE.