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πŸ—‘πŸ›‘D&D Character Vault and Event Management for Discord.


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D&D Vault Discord BOT

The most complete Dungeons and Dragons ( DnD ) Event Management, Character Vault, Polling and Dice Roller for your West Marches discord server!

Server Status Server Count

Current build status

  • Change Log

  • Develop Branch - Development Tests

    • pre-commit
    • test
  • Docker Branch - Releases

    • dockerhub

Character Vault

This "vault bot" enables a party to enable an approval concept of Dungeons and Dragons characters from DND Beyond (or 'stub' characters not on dndbeyond using the !register manual command) and the changes they make to them via Discord. This allows a (or multiple) DMs to ensure that the character changes that a user makes on DND Beyond are accurate for their campaigns.

The primary driver for this functionality was watching so many DM/GMs trying to manage West Marches type Discord servers using spreadsheets/etc. The bot works great for "non" West Marches type campaigns as well! This can make things a bit easier to maintain for online Dungeons and Dragons players and DMs.

Approval functionality is configured 'false' by default, enable it by running !config approval true.


The bot also offers the ability to schedule events (missions) and allow attendees (party members) to sign up for attendance, or remove themselves from attendance. The bot will also convert the default time (GMT) to the user's local timezone upon request via the clock reaction on the event. Events can be 'deployed' to show that they are 'approved' and have all the proper components (DM/GM, attendees, etc).

Event campaign enforcement is configured off ('false') by default. Turning it on ensures that the players that sign up for an event have a 'character' in the vault that is also related to the event's campaign (if set) via !campaign or a dndbeyond's campaign). Turn this on by issuing !config campaign true

Users have the ability to list events that are deployed or proposed (not yet approved/deployed).

Subscribe to the iCalendar ICS

Once a user signs up as an attendee, or creates an event, those events will show up in that user's iCalendar ICS feed. The user can subscribe to the iCalendar ICS feed within Outlook, Google Calendar, iCal, etc. When a user clicks on the 'Timezone' button, a message is sent to them with their local timezone as well as a link to their personalized iCalendar ICS link.

D&D Vault Bot Event Subscribe Youtube Video

D&D Vault Bot Event Calendar View


Users can create polls very simply by using the poll command. !poll "Do you like polling" will create a default poll that has three options: πŸ‘ (yes) πŸ‘Ž (no) and 🀷 (I don't know). A user can also create his own options, which will be automatically numbered by using this syntax: !poll "Do you like polling" "hell no" "I LOVE polling" "What is polling?".

The default polling allows users to cast one vote for any of the specified options. The bot support multi-select polls. If you use the slash commands (/poll), just use the allow_multiple: true option to make the poll with multiple selectable options.

If you are using the prefix commands still (!poll), in order to create a multi-select poll you need to type an additional suffix "(Multiple answers allowed)" to the poll question, as is shown in the following example:

!poll "Which days do you preffer for the sessions? (Multiple answers allowed)" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday".

Rolling dice

Users can roll dice by using the roll command. The dice roller uses notation.

Die quantity

  • A single die has a minimum quantity of 1, and a maximum quantity of 999.
  • These are valid: d8, 1d10, 999d6, 20d4 + 999d10
  • These are not: 0d10, 1000d6, -1d20

Example usages

roll 2 20 sided dice
!roll 2d20

roll 8 20 sided dice and drop the lowest 1
!roll 8d20dl1

values less than 3 are treated as 3
!roll 4d6min3

values greater than 3 are treated as 3
!roll 4d6max3

reroll dice if a 1 is rolled
!roll 1d6r

reroll dice if one is less than 3
!roll 1d6r<3

roll 4 100 sided dice
!roll 4d100

above is the same as rolling percentile dice
!roll 4d%

roll 4 fudge dice
!roll 4dF

Feedback and Support Discord

I'm looking for feedback, so please feel free to open bugs, feature requests, etc. As well as hop on my discord for direct conversation. Join me on this discord for support

Invite the BOT to your server

Invite the bot to your server


Functionality Documentation

All the below commands have been implemented as slash (ex: /register_manual) commands, and are recommended to be used over the 'old style' prefix (ex: !register manual) commands.

All commands that are implemented have a [x] next to them. This is a list of commands that are already implemented as well as commands that are planned.

The brackets below (such as in register manual [CHARACTER_NAME] [CHARACTER_CLASS] [CHARACTER_LEVEL] [CHARACTER_RACE] {CAMPAIGN}) are to show you 'placeholders' for arguments that needs to be passed to the command. [] brackets mean that arguments are required and {} brackets mean that the content is optional.

Roll initiative!

Slash Commands

In order to see the new slash commands and their accompanying options and descriptions, just start a slash command by typing / and click on D&D Vault and you'll see a list of all the available commands.


Slash Command Descriptions

- /help
- /register_manual [CHARACTER_NAME] [CHARACTER_CLASS] [CHARACTER_LEVEL] [CHARACTER_RACE] {CAMPAIGN} - create a stub character, do not use spaces in any of the parameters except the campaign
- /register [DNDBEYOND_URL] - register a character in the vault from dndbeyond
- /update_manual [CHAR_ID] [CHARACTER_NAME] [CHARACTER_CLASS] [CHARACTER_LEVEL] [CHARACTER_RACE] {CAMPAIGN} - update a stub character, do not use spaces in any of the parameters except the campaign
- /update [DNDBEYOND_URL] - request an update a character from dndbeyond to the vault
- /remove [CHAR_ID] {@USER_NAME} - remove a character (or pending update) from the vault, if username is passed, remove for that user
- /approve [CHAR_ID] - approve a new/updated character within vault
- /changes [CHAR_ID] - display changes for an unapproved character update
- /campaign [CHAR_ID] [CAMPAIGN_ID] - update character to override dndbeyond's campaign name, this does NOT update dndbeyond's campaign
- /default - show current default character
- /default [CHAR_ID] - set your default character id to be used for events/missions with no campaign
- /list - list YOUR registered characters within vault
- /list_all - list all characters
- /list_queued - list all characters queued for approval
- /list_user [@USER_NAME] - list all characters by discord user
- /list_campaign [CAMPAIGN_ID] - list all characters registered for a campaign
- /show [CHAR_ID] - show a user's character from the vault
- /timezone - view your timezone
- /timezone [TIMEZONE] - set your timezone (required for interacting with events)
- /poll ["Poll Question"] {"Response 0"} {"Response 1"} {"Response 2"} {"Response 3"} ...
- /roll {notation} {roll_type} - rolls dice, using notation reference available here
- /roll_stats - roll for D&D 5E stat block
- /insult - generates a random insult for Vicious Mockery
- /event_attendance - produces a report of players signup attendance for events
- /event_edit [MISSION_ID] [MISSION_TITLE] [@DMGM_USER_NAME] [AT_TIME] [FOR_DURATION_HOURS] [ON_DATE] [WITH_NUMBER_PLAYER_SLOTS] {[CAMPAIGN]} [MISSION_DESCRIPTION] - edits an existing event PROPOSAL that users can sign up for - everything is optional for a partial edit
- /event_show [MISSION_ID] - replace the posting for an event (for instance if it got deleted by accident)
- /event_remove [MISSION_ID] - removes mission event
- /event_list - list all future events (and events from the past few days) (PROPOSed and DEPLOYed)
- /event_list proposed - list all future PROPOSED events
- /event_list deployed - list all future DEPLOYED events
  - [RESET_BOOLEAN] - reset config to defaults
  - [@PLAYER_ROLE] - modify player role (allows user to use bot)
  - [@APPROVER_ROLE] - modify approver role (allows user to approve characters)
  - [#POLL_CHANNEL] - send all polls to this channel
  - [REQUIRE_APPROVER] - Require approver to create & edit events
  - [#EVENT_CHANNEL] - send all events to this channel
  - [EVENT_STANDBY_BOOLEAN] - Does your server support standby queuing on events?
  - [EVENT_PLANNING_CHANNEL_CATEGORY] - Configure what channel category to autocreate event planning channels in - if this is populated, then an "event planning channel" will be created under this category for every event that is created.  the members of that channel will be those that are signed up to the event
  - [EVENT_VOICE_CHANNEL_CATEGORY] - Configure what channel category to autocreate event voice channels in - if this is populated, then an "event voice channel" will be created under this category for every event that is created.  the members of that channel will be those that are signed up to the event
  - [VOICE_PERMS] - Autocreate event voice channels with one of these permissions: "Attendees Only" (only allows attendees to join), "Everyone Speak" (@everyone can join and speak) or "Everyone Listen" (@everyone can join, but only attendees can speak)
  - [EVENT_PLANNING_CHANNEL_DAYS] - Configure how many days after an event planning and voice channels should be removed
  - [CHARACTER_APPROVAL_BOOLEAN] - does character registration and updates require arole approval?
  - [CAMPAIGN_BOOLEAN] - require that a user have matching character for event's campaigns
  - [NEW_PREFIX] - modify the command prefix

Old Command Descriptions

- [x] help
- [x] register
    - [x] manual [CHARACTER_NAME] [CHARACTER_CLASS] [CHARACTER_LEVEL] [CHARACTER_RACE] {CAMPAIGN} - create a stub character, do not use spaces in any of the parameters except the campaign
    - [x] [DNDBEYOND_URL] - register a character in the vault from dndbeyond
- [x] update
    - [x] manual [CHAR_ID] [CHARACTER_NAME] [CHARACTER_CLASS] [CHARACTER_LEVEL] [CHARACTER_RACE] {CAMPAIGN} - update a stub character, do not use spaces in any of the parameters except the campaign
    - [x] [DNDBEYOND_URL] - request an update a character from dndbeyond to the vault
- [x] remove [CHAR_ID] {@USER_NAME} - remove a character (or pending update) from the vault, if username is passed, remove for that user
- [x] approve [CHAR_ID] - approve a new/updated character within vault
- [x] changes [CHAR_ID] - display changes for an unapproved character update
- [ ] campaigns - list all campaigns for server
- [x] campaign [CHAR_ID] [CAMPAIGN_ID] - update character to override dndbeyond's campaign name, this does NOT update dndbeyond's campaign
- [x] default
  - [x] {no args} - show current default character
  - [x] [CHAR_ID] - set your default character id to be used for events/missions with no campaign
- [ ] list
  - [x] {no args} - list YOUR registered characters within vault
  - [x] all - list all characters
  - [ ] approved - list all approved
  - [x] queued - list all characters queued for approval
  - [x] user [@USER_NAME] - list all characters by discord user
  - [x] campaign [CAMPAIGN_ID] - list all characters registered for a campaign
- [ ] show
  - [x] [CHAR_ID] - show a user's character from the vault
  - [ ] queued [CHAR_ID] - show a currently queued (changes not approved) character from the vault
- [x] timezone
  - [x] {no args} - view your timezone
  - [x] [TIMEZONE] - set your timezone (required for interacting with events)
- [x] poll ["Poll Question"] {"Response 0"} {"Response 1"} {"Response 2"} {"Response 3"} ...
- [x] roll
  - [x] {notation} {roll_type} - rolls dice, using notation reference available here
  - [x] stats - roll for D&D 5E stat block
- [x] insult - generates a random insult for Vicious Mockery
- [ ] event
  - [x] attendance - produces a report of players signup attendance for events
  - [x] create !title [MISSION_TITLE] !dmgm [@USER_NAME] !at [TIME] !for [DURATION_HOURS] !on [DATE] !with [NUMBER_PLAYER_SLOTS] {!campaign [CAMPAIGN]} !desc [MISSION_DESC_REGION_PLAYSTYLE] - creates an event PROPOSAL that users can sign up for
  - [x] edit [MISSION_ID] !title [MISSION_TITLE] !dmgm [@USER_NAME] !at [TIME] !for [DURATION_HOURS] !on [DATE] !with [NUMBER_PLAYER_SLOTS] !campaign [CAMPAIGN] !desc [MISSION_DESC_REGION_PLAYSTYLE] - edits an existing event PROPOSAL that users can sign up for - everything is optional for a partial edit
  - [x] show [MISSION_ID] - replace the posting for an event (for instance if it got deleted by accident)
  - [x] remove [MISSION_ID] - removes mission event
  - [x] list - list all future events (and events from the past few days) (PROPOSed and DEPLOYed)
  - [ ] list my - list all future events you are signed up for or are a DMGM for
  - [ ] list past [DAYS] - list past events for the last DAYS (PROPOSed and DEPLOYed)
  - [x] list proposed - list all future PROPOSED events
  - [x] list deployed - list all future DEPLOYED events
  - [ ] list campaign [CAMPAIGN_ID] - list all future events for a campaign
  - [ ] list campaign proposed [CAMPAIGN_ID] - list all future DEPLOYed events for a campaign
  - [ ] list campaign deployed [CAMPAIGN_ID] - list all future PROPOSEed events for a campaign
- [x] config !reset [RESET_BOOLEAN] !prole [@PLAYER_ROLE] !arole [@APPROVER_ROLE] !pollchannel [#POLL_CHANNEL] !eventchannel [#EVENT_CHANNEL] !eventstandby [EVENT_STANDBY_BOOLEAN] !channelcategory [EVENT_PLANNING_CHANNEL_CATEGORY] !voicecategory [EVENT_VOICE_CHANNEL_CATEGORY] !voiceperms [VOICE_PERMS] !channeldays [EVENT_PLANNING_CHANNEL_DAYS] !characterapproval [CHARACTER_APPROVAL_BOOLEAN] !campaign [CAMPAIGN_BOOLEAN] !prefix [NEW_PREFIX] - show/edit BOT config
  - {no args} - show config
  - [RESET_BOOLEAN] - reset config to defaults
  - [@PLAYER_ROLE] - modify player role (allows user to use bot)
  - [@APPROVER_ROLE] - modify approver role (allows user to approve characters)
  - [#POLL_CHANNEL] - send all polls to this channel
  - [REQUIRE_APPROVER] - Require approver to create & edit events
  - [#EVENT_CHANNEL] - send all events to this channel
  - [EVENT_STANDBY_BOOLEAN] - Does your server support standby queuing on events?
  - [EVENT_PLANNING_CHANNEL_CATEGORY] - Configure what channel category to autocreate event planning channels in - if this is populated, then an "event planning channel" will be created under this category for every event that is created.  the members of that channel will be those that are signed up to the event
  - [EVENT_VOICE_CHANNEL_CATEGORY] - Configure what channel category to autocreate event voice channels in - if this is populated, then an "event voice channel" will be created under this category for every event that is created.  the members of that channel will be those that are signed up to the event
  - [VOICE_PERMS] - Autocreate event voice channels with one of these permissions: "Attendees Only" (only allows attendees to join), "Everyone Speak" (@everyone can join and speak) or "Everyone Listen" (@everyone can join, but only attendees can speak)
  - [EVENT_PLANNING_CHANNEL_DAYS] - Configure how many days after an event planning and voice channels should be removed
  - [CHARACTER_APPROVAL_BOOLEAN] - does character registration and updates require arole approval?
  - [CAMPAIGN_BOOLEAN] - require that a user have matching character for event's campaigns
  - [NEW_PREFIX] - modify the command prefix

Example character workflow with the BOT

Workflow would work something like this.

  • Discord users join a server and decide to have a campaign.
  • Server owner invites BOT
  • Each user creates a character for campaign on DND Beyond
  • Each user 'registers' character with BOT
  • DM 'approves' each character
  • Mission occurs
  • Users update characters on DND Beyond
  • Users request 'update' of character with BOT
  • DM 'lists queued' character approvals
  • DM reviews 'changes' of character
  • DM 'approves' character changes

all the while anyone on the server can 'view' any user's character ...

Example character workflow usage with approvals 'true'

#player types
#approver role user types
!list queued
!changes 41867999
!approve 41867999
#player types, to update character
#approver role user types
!list queued
!changes 41867999
!approve 41867999


event list






show character


list characters


changes in character updates


config of server for guild


Run the bot yourself

If you would like to run your own instance of the D&D Vault Bot instead of using the one that is hosted for the community, it's open source, so have at it!!

The first thing that is required is an instance of mongodb. The easiest way to bring up mongo, is to use docker.

Below is a few docker commands (meant to be run via linux/unix/macos shell). In order for it to work, you need to do the following:

  • install DOCKER!
  • create a directory in which mongo data will be stored on your host system, the one referenced below is /home/user/dnd-mongo. Once you create that directory, replace the VOLUME=, below, with your full directory name.
  • create a text file called mongoadmin in the mongo data directory that you just created. place the password that you want the mongo db admin to be/use in that file.
  • create a directory with the SAME NAME as the data directory above, but add -init to it. create a file called 1-create-user.js in that directory. that file should contain the below, replace xxxxxxxxxx with the password you wish the bot to use to connect to mongo.
     user: "dnduser",
     pwd: "xxxxxxxxxx",
     roles: [
            role: "readWrite",
            db: "dnd"
  • create a docker network for mongo and dnd-vault to use. Use this command to do that: docker network create dnd-net
  • After all the above is complete, run the below command to create and run your mongodb container for the dndvault bot.
export VOLUME=/home/user/dnd-mongo
docker run -d --network dnd-net --name dnd-mongo \
    --restart always \
    -p 27017:27017 \
    --ulimit nofile=64000:64000 \
    -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=mongoadmin \
    -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD_FILE=/data/db/mongoadmin \
    -v ${VOLUME}:/data/db \
    -v ${VOLUME}-init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d \
  • now that mongdb is running, let's run the bot! Create a directory for the dndvault bot config, and replace the VOLUME=, below, with that directory.
  • create a file called config.json and copy this example config file into it.
    • Replace token with your discord bot token.
    • Replace mongoServer with dnd-mongo
    • Replace mongoUser with dnduser (from your 1-create-user.js script that you created above)
    • Replace mongoPass with your 1-create-user.js password that you created above
    • Replace adminUser with your discord id (this is so you don't accidentally lock yourself out of the bot config)
    • Remove debugGuild
    • Replace key with your discord bot key for oauth support on the web
    • Replace secret with your discord bot secret key for oauth support on web
    • Replace inviteURL with your discord bot's invite url
  • You are now ready to run the bot, execute the below (remember to replace the VOLUME= with your own bot config directory that you made above)!
docker pull karmanet/dndvault && \
export VOLUME=/home/user/dndvault && \
docker run --name dndvault -v ${VOLUME}:/config \
--network dnd-net \
--restart always -d karmanet/dndvault:latest

Let me know if you have any troubles with the above on the support discord server. Cheers!

Permissions required for bot

If you plan on deploying your own copy of the D&D Vault (you don't need to, you can invite the existing bot by clicking here), invite the bot to your server using these permissions.


Developer contributions

My workflow is very simple.

  • I work in the development branch, so if you fork and wish to contribute PR's please submit them to development.
  • From development I will tag a release and then PR it to the docker branch, where a docker image is generated and published via the github workflow.
  • From the docker branch docker, I'll PR to the master branch.


Please also install pre-commit, as it ensures that any 'pre commit' triggers/checks/tests are run prior to your commits.

If you are pushing something that you really don't need (or want) to do the docker test for:

SKIP=npm-dockertest git push

run nodemon

to quickly restart node while developing - I recommend nodemon.


mongo db json to mongoose schema

json to mongoose


This section can be safely ignored, it's my scratchpad ...

create change log for release

i actually use my own script at this point, which includes this step in a release. Github's action for the docker branch requires a tag (so that the docker image gets a tag). So this is required after release:

may not need to do this ... merge may do it for us?

git switch docker && \
git pull && \
git tag `git describe --tags \`git rev-list --tags --max-count=1\``-docker && \
git push --tags
git switch develop


npm run changelog

Review gh pr

gh pr diff 434 | patch -p1

Test via docker container

docker build --target test ./

Mongodb queries

{id: { $regex: /785567026512527390/i }}
#my test guild
{guildID: '785567026512527390'}

Bot Commands for testing

!event create !title Let's Kill Kobols !DMGM @D&D Vault Test !at 9:00 pm !for 3.5 !on Feb 4 2021 !with 5 !campaign Kobol Killas !desc Starting Region # according to Region Map Mode (mandatory, can be more specific, bonus points for googling real life names, extra points if historic names): Christchurch

Mission Description/Goal: Your initiation. Are you ready?
Harpy Rescue -
@Robin - Day

Preferred Playstyle focus, if any (e.g. exploration, 50/50 rp/combat, intrigue): 50/50 Rp/Combat

Test Bot Invite