String Adapter is the string adapter for jCasbin, which provides interfaces for loading policies from a string and saving policies to it.
import org.casbin.jcasbin.main.Enforcer;
import org.casbin.jcasbin.model.Model;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Define the Casbin model
String modelText = "[request_definition]\n" +
"r = sub, obj, act\n\n" +
"[policy_definition]\n" +
"p = sub, obj, act\n\n" +
"[role_definition]\n" +
"g = _, _\n" +
"g2 = _, _\n\n" +
"[policy_effect]\n" +
"e = some(where (p.eft == allow))\n\n" +
"[matchers]\n" +
"m = g(r.sub, p.sub) && g2(r.obj, p.obj) && r.act == p.act";
// Load model
Model m = new Model();
// Define policy
String line = "p, alice, data1, read\n" +
"p, bob, data2, write\n" +
"p, data_group_admin, data_group, write\n\n" +
"g, alice, data_group_admin\n" +
"g2, data1, data_group\n" +
"g2, data2, data_group";
// Create a StringAdapter
StringAdapter sa = new StringAdapter(line);
// Create Enforcer, and load model and policy
Enforcer e = new Enforcer(m, sa);
// check permissions
if (e.enforce("alice", "data1", "read")) {
} else {
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