The important points of this solution are:
- Use a single Umbraco instance for administration and scheduling (aka "master server")
- Use multiple load-balanced Umbraco instances for rendering (aka "front-end" servers)
- All Umbraco instances point at the same SQL Express container
- Static content is stored on a shared file system
To get things set up, you will:
- Start the SQL container and create a blank database
- Run Umbraco on the host and complete the setup wizard
- Build the Umbraco Docker image
- Run everything locally with docker-compose
Select a strong password for the sa
account. Then run a SQL container to be accessible at sqlexpress2017
from the other containers and with a host volume mounted at C:\data
docker run -d -h sqlexpress2017 -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e sa_password="[YourStrongPassword]" --mount type=volume,source=umbraco_data,target=C:/data --name sqlexpress2017 microsoft/mssql-server-windows-express:2017-latest
Now inspect the container to get its IP address:
docker inspect -f "{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" sqlexpress2017
Connect using SSMS and create a new, empty database:
USE [master]
( NAME = N'umbraco_data', FILENAME = N'C:\data\umbraco.mdf' )
( NAME = N'umbraco_log', FILENAME = N'C:\data\umbraco_log.ldf' )
Download Umbraco and unzip to src/umbraco/site. Run the site in IIS Express (or however you'd like) and proceed through the setup wizard.
At the first step, select Customize. Next, select Custom connection string and enter the following (substituting the password):
Server=sqlexpress2017;Database=umbraco;User Id=sa;Password=[YourStrongPassword];MultipleActiveResultSets=True
Important! Allow Umbraco to generate a machine key for your site in the last step. Installing a starter kit site is optional.
You can now shut down IIS Express and stop/destroy the SQL container:
docker stop sqlexpress2017
docker container rm sqlexpress2017
Now that our Umbraco web.config is updated, we can build our Umbraco Docker image. This will include our custom bits in App_Code/LoadBalancing.cs
docker build -t umbraco ./src/umbraco
At this point, the necessary components should be in place:
- Initialized Umbraco database stored in host volume
- Umbraco image that can be used as either master or slave
To fire everything up, run:
docker-compose up
You should now be able to access your Umbraco site at http://localhost:8000.