Releases: jakzal/phpunit-injector
Releases · jakzal/phpunit-injector
PHP 7.4 only release
- dropped support for docblocks (replaced with property types) #27
Symfony 5 support
- support Symfony 5 components #23
Support for typed properties
Fixes #24 with jakzal/injector#16.
Phar built with the new box version
Bugfix & performance
- Ignore the base phpunit test case during property extraction and improve performance #19
PHPUnit 8.0 support
- minimum PHP version required raised to 7.2
- minimum supported PHPUnit version required raised to 8.0
Scoped dependencies
- phpdocumentor and webmozart/assert dependencies are scoped in the phar, so they wouldn't conflict with composer installed libraries (#13)
New phar release with an updated injector
- includes a fix for jakzal/injector#4
New phar release with an updated injector
- includes a fix for jakzal/injector#3
Ignore inessential files from git export
Merge pull request #11 from jakzal/gitattributes-export-ignore Ingore inessential files from git export