New features
ac0351f feat: accept templating in preRun and postRun
2fc6ab0 feat: expand environment variables in ref config arguments
Bug fixes
58b6d8a fix: split verbs into proper synonym groups
Documentation updates
6941b02 docs: add templating documentation
b1f5962 docs: remove duplicated docs
60310c2 docs: revert changes to templating guide
53ab715 chore: Bump actions/configure-pages from 1 to 5 (#179 )
f4dd068 chore: Bump actions/upload-pages-artifact from 1 to 3 (#180 )
2579d36 chore: Bump golang from 1.23.1-bookworm to 1.23.2-bookworm (#181 )
9a98046 chore: Bump from 0.27.0 to 0.28.0 in the experimental-golang-deps group (#183 )
dbfd68e chore: Bump nick-invision/retry from 2 to 3 (#182 )
bc63cce ci: increase gocognit min-complexity
ae0e906 ci: update gh workflows and linting opts (#178 )
d9eb251 refactor!: remove deprecated refs fields (#176 )
c50e5a0 test: add template ref test
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