Simple endpoints monitoring solution with Prometheus, blackbox exporter and alertmanager with telegram for alerts.
Copy this repository to your desired host with git clone
git clone [email protected]:jafnhaar/docker-compose-blackbox.git
cd docker-compose-blackbox
Next you have to make some changes to the provided config files:
vim alertmanager/config.yml
Change bot_token to your bot token (can be optained via @botfather bot in telegram) and enter desired chat_id (bot should be added to that chat).
vim prometheus/prometheus.yml
Change static targets configs to your desired hosts. There currently http and icmp probes implemented.
docker-compose up -d
Everything should be working fine from now. You can check web interface of prometheus at <your_ip_address:9090>, alertmanager at <your_ip_address:9093> and blackbox exporter at <your_ip_address:9115>