A very large-scale project consisting of an e-commerce store service provider for delivery companies' clients
- TypeScript
- Nest Js
- Fastify Adapter
- Mongo Db
- Clustering based on the number Of CPU's (performance)
- Guards
- Interceptors
- Custom decorators
- Mongoose Class base schema
- ValidationPipes
- Serialization
- Cookies
- File upload
- Authentication
- Authorization
- CSRF Protection
- Rate limiting
- Redis Server
- CNAME Routing.
- Name Servers Point.
- DOMAIN Routing.
- Letsencrypt SSL Certificate Generate.
- Linux Server.
- Apache Server2.
- Nginx Proxy.
- Hestia Control Panel.
- Facebook Conversion API (Send Purchase Events).
- Tiktok Events API (Send Purchase Events).
- Google Sheets API (Send Orders Details).
- EcoTrack Delivery API (Ship & Tracking Orders).
- ProColis Delivery API (Ship & Tracking Orders).