As an API user I want to get min, max, average and median temperature and humidity for given city and period of time
You will need to get your own API key to use this, you can get on from
Create locally running RESTful web API ✅
That accepts a request with 'city' and 'period' args ✅
Fetches weather data for that location and period of time from some public API ✅
Computes min, max, average and median temperature and humidity for that location and period ✅
Unit test application ✅
Render graph from data ✅
Min temp, max temp, and humidity are all shown on the single graph
The x axis can be read by viewing the number as a time i.e 03 = 03:00 (3am), 12 = 12:00 (12pm), 00 = 00:00 (12am)
The y axis has a range of 0 to 100, where temperatures are in celcius and humidity is a percentage
Light blue for humidity, red for max temp and orange for min temp
# Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run via flask (http://localhost:5000)
flask run
# Run via script (http://localhost:5000)
- GET /weather
- GET /
GET /weather endpoint requires city and period parameters
period parameter accepts only integers, any values below 1 or over 5 will result in a 5 day query
Example valid request in browser
http://localhost:5000/weather?city=Cape Town&period=1
Example invalid request in browser
http://localhost:5000/weather?city=Cape Town&period=1.5
# To run only the tests
python -m unittest discover __unittests__
# To get a coverage report
coverage run -m unittest discover __unittests__/
coverage report -m