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16th European-African Regional Conference of the ISTVS |
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10.00 – 15.00 | Pre-Conference Professional Short Course, Room M107, R302
14.00 – 17.00 | ISTVS Board of Directors Meeting, Room M107
18.00 – 21.00 | Ice Breaker Welcome Event, Hotel Ibis Styles (15 mins by bus)
8.00 | Registration
9.00 | Opening ceremony, Auditorium A1
Conference Chair Welcome — Jarosław Pytka
President’s Address — Corina Sandu
Journal of Terramechanics Editor-in-Chief’s Address — Vladimir Vantsevich
10.00 | Plenary Session, Auditorium A1
Keynote: Prof. Jerzy Lipiec, Institute of Agrophysics, Poland
Vehicular traction effects on agriculture: Soil compaction and soil erosion, crop yield.
Implications from the perspective of terramechanics
12.00 | Conference photo followed by lunch in Lanczomania
13.00 | Parallel sessions — 3 tracks — Auditorium M107/CT302/R302
14.30 | Break
15.00 | Parallel sessions — 3 tracks — Auditorium M107/CT302/R302
16.30 | Break
17.00 | LUT Off-Road and Military Vehicle Students‘ Projects — Workshop, Prof. L. Gardyński
9.00 | Plenary session, Auditorium A1
Keynote: Stelios Skevakis, Hellenic Technology of Robotics, Greece
A novel flexible all-metal wheel for planetary exploration
9.45 | Plenary session, Auditorium A1
Keynote: Dr Andrzej Selenta, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
The Bekker Project
10.30 | Parallel sessions — 3 tracks — Auditorium M107/CT302/R302
12.00 | Lunch in Lanczomania
13.00 | Parallel sessions — 2 tracks — Auditorium M107/R302
14.30 | Break
15.00 | Parallel sessions — 2 tracks — Auditorium M107/R302
16.30 | Closing ceremony and awards
19.00 | Gala dinner — Hotel Ibis Styles
7.30 | Departure
10.00 | Arrival at WITPIS Sulejówek
10.15 | Welcome by MIAAT officer and a short presentation of the programme
10.20 | Presentation of the Institute (indoor)
10.35 | Presentation of the laboratories (outdoor/indoor, talk to test engineers/researchers)
11.30 | Test-show of military vehicles: Jelcz, Tareo, Rosomak (outdoor, in action)
13.00 | Refreshments (Military pea soup + coffee/tea)
13.30 | End and farewell to the participants of the trip
14.00 | Departing from Sulejówek
15.30 | Kazimierz Dolny, lunch in a restaurant
16.00 | Visiting Kazimierz Dolny
18.00 | Departing for Lublin
Hands-on demonstrations of Lublin University of Technology student projects in off-road and military vehicles will be ongoing through the conference. Here are a few examples. See all the projects that will be on display.
BUGGY 4x4. A prototype of a light off-road vehicle with improved trafficability and versatile use proposed by the Lublin University of Technology for the army and public order services.
ŻUK 6x6. A small tipper with all-wheel drive and the possibility of configuring the drive 6x2, 6x4, and 6x6. Has a cab that opens like in larger trucks and other improvements for off-road use.
HYBRID POLONEZ Students installed an additional axle. Steel tracks are mounted on the wheels of the two rear axles and skids on the front axle wheels, thanks to which the vehicle is able to overcome snowy areas.